WHY JUDGE MORGAN TSVANGIRAI? Most people miss the point by a - TopicsExpress


WHY JUDGE MORGAN TSVANGIRAI? Most people miss the point by a wide wide wide margin. We dont support lunacy and hypocrisy. It may auger well for some to route for these renewal guys but we are looking beyond individuals. We are looking at Zimbabwe. Most people judge on assumptions and imagination. While on Morgan Tsvangirai and Zimbabwe people base arguments on assumptions and imagination and use that to compare him with Robert Mugabes 34yr old reality. They compare a leader of an organization and a leader of a nation. This is demented hypocrisy and skewed sense of reality. Reality in the micro and reality in the macro are different and are not comparable because the inherent dynamics and demands are different. Is it correct to hold a movement to ransom by threatening to defect if certain people are elected or not elected to certain party structures? And when it doesnt happen as they want they indeed defect. Is this about individuals or the struggle. Yes we have it on very good authority that what is happening is stage-managed. It was planned to go that way. We may see a bit of these in the future. Yes as the opposition there is need to coexist as they face one common enemy Zanupf. But co existence doesnt mean they dont have to have divergent views from those with divergent views from theirs. Its not fair when the so called renewalists throw dirty at their former colleagues and when the former colleagues throw it back at them they are labelled intransigent, violent and undemocratic.They are all victims in one way or the other. One is a victim of hypocrisy and failure to focus on the bigger picture which is the peoples movement. The other may be victims for not getting positions and structures they want. What is happening has nothing to do with democracy it has everything to do with power. Look at what is happening between Tendai Biti and Elton Mangoma or what is happening with Gorden Moyo and his project called uniting the nation and country. Look at what is happening with Grace mugabe, Joice Mujuru, Emerson Mnangagwa and their teams. While the opposition is busy throwing mud at each other in the meanwhile zanu remains, and continue to be, entrenched in power. what was the purpose of the people movements birth.Was it to fight each other or the mugabe regime. Why is it that acres and acres of space are spend denigrating those not yet in power sparing those destroying and overseeing the destruction of Zimbabwe in the name of personal aggrandizement and enrichment. If we are able to get rid of Mugabe for mismanagement and misgovernance what will stop us from getting rid of Tsvangirai when he gets into national presidence and he starts presiding over mismanagement and misgovernance? A lot of observers have always said Uhuru Kenyatta was using the Presidency to protect himself from appearing before ICC. Now he became President and he is not using it to protect himself. He is, much to everyones amazement,going to the Hague as a private citizen after temporarily abdicating power. Toererei nyoka negavi iyo iripo. Lets judge Morgan Tsvangirai by his deeds when he becomes the president of the republic. Lets judge his policies when he is in government. Change is not managed before it happens. You manage change when change has taken place. Change comes before its management. Yes some may argue that change is a process but there are milestones that define change. It is when each of these milestones is reached when we note change and we start to manage the impact of reaching these milestones.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 05:22:24 +0000

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