WHY OUR EXISTENCE? To make a great impact in this world one must - TopicsExpress


WHY OUR EXISTENCE? To make a great impact in this world one must have a focus. Human beings don’t just exist, everybody exists for a purpose. The beloved Prophet was sent to the world, he lived and entire world lived in peace. Till the entire world is no more in existence, his name will always be in remembrance because he lived for a great message. Ta’awun does not just exist, it has the reasons and that reasons are what we are living for. • TO ERADICATE THE PROBLEM OF IGNORANCE AND ILLITERACY AMONG MUSLIMS: 94 years ago, after demolition of government that is protecting this Ummah which followed by colonization and destruction of Islamic heritage in which a century is almost reached since Muslims have been living in this dark ages, many Muslims have forgotten what gave birth to them and what brought about their present state, the knowledge about their religion, this world and the message of Rusul which was put on halt since 1920. Even the philosophy of Solat which prohibit Muslims to be in isolation but under a leader is no more in existence. These are what we are to revive and let the Muslims know • TO ERADICATE POVERTY AND SUBORDINATION AMONG MUSLIMS: the nature of our Ummah is to be independent. But the problems created for it after demolition of Islamic government have made Muslims to lose their value. Today we are users not producers as we used to be, we follow they lead which is not our nature, we ask they give which against Muslim doctrine. So to put an end to this and to make Muslims Independent is among the reasons why we are living. • TO REORGANIZE THE UNCOORDINATED MUSLIMS: Muslims are disorganized and uncoordinated. In the true nature of Islam, Muslims don’t exist in Isolation. They are like camels, which need to be coordinated. But today everybody is living on his own and those that destroyed the unity among Muslim and disorganized their organisation are not living in isolation. They are well-coordinated and well organized. Individualism is not the method of the Prophet and cannot save this Ummah. Togetherness, we can bring the desire force this Ummah requires to make it victorious. • TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF ENSLAVEMENT AND HEGEMONY: Muslims have no freedom and many of their countries are slave to the world hegemony. They are not free to do as Allah commands. They only follow orders and whatever the system dictates to them. We wear their clothes; drive their cars; watch their television shows, and complying virtually with all their laws, regulations, customs, and habits. The weakness of our Ummah is what brought us to this state and that is why we took it as our duty to liberate Muslims from being enslaved. • TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF MARGINALIZATION AND OPPRESSION: Presently, Muslims are nothing and nowhere to be found. They are being oppressed everywhere in the world and have and no value in the society. They rape their women, jail their scholars, massacre their men since no government will ask for them or see them as what to be protected and is also the reason why they are being marginalized everywhere in the world. So to end this is also why we are alive. • TO RAISE THE BEST NATION: “You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; Quran 3:110) means, the best of peoples for the people. We are living to raise the best people that will make this earth a clean place. Prophet said,(I was given victory by fear, I was given the keys of the earth, I was called Ahmad, the earth was made a clean place for me and my Ummah was made the best Ummah.) To fulfill the dream of the Prophet is why we are living. AMEER TA’AWUN
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 18:34:45 +0000

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