**WHY WE WORSHIP** - PART ONE ***Sometimes when someone feels - TopicsExpress


**WHY WE WORSHIP** - PART ONE ***Sometimes when someone feels sad, anxious, or grieving they may find themselves quietly struggling with their faith. Some may even find themselves being angry with GOD because they feel a prayer was not answered or answered how they wanted. We have to trust God knowing he is in control and that HE wants the best for us. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. (PSALM 62:8) ***People will spend thousands of dollars on books and therapies trying to get themselves to feel better. And while GOD has most definitely blessed others to help assist us in our needs. We must also remember that the love and cleansing of GOD is pure and is free. GODS GRACE IS BIGGER THAN YOUR SINS! There is nothing more worthy of showing him our praise. He has paid the full price of our ransom when HE died on the cross. How much is your life worth.? If your life is in Christ then there is nothing to fear life nor death nor the things or people in it.. Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in obedience to him. (PSALM 128:1) **Through worship we can surrender all of our trials and pains and hand them to the father. Yet we create boxed- in worship where we go to our Sunday service and stand in front of the stage and sing a few songs, and watch a band perform. But one thing worship IS NOT is about the people who are on the stage performing one of your favorite songs. How many times have you enjoyed or even not enjoyed a worship service because they have or have not sang one of your favorites! It should never matter what the song is because its all about showing glory to GOD! What motivates you? What moves you? What really gets you going and gets you out of bed? Is it that first cup of coffee? Is it that first bite of your favorite doughnut or is reading the latest post on face book to see the latest gossip? If your first thought when you wake up is not Thank you Jesus for another day to praise and worship your holy name.! Then it is time to reset priorities. This is the reason for our creation in the first place! If you do not begin your day instantly submitting to the spirit then you have already gave the enemy an early rise to defeat you and decrease your spiritual production. Part of the reason so many of us have such a defeated mind and day is because we wake up already thinking and speaking defeat. Friends!!.. We dont have to fight the devil .. HE HAS ALREADY BEEN DEFEATED.. all we have to do is submit to the spirit and walk in obedience, and once we realize this we should be walking in rejoicing every second that we take a breath!. **We should be eating our spiritual breakfast before we eat our breakfast!! In doing so you will be more filled with the energy that you need to get you through whatever it is that you face. It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. (MATTHEW 4:4) This is one thing you can never overfill yourself with. You should always be hungry for more and continue to praise and worship. Yet most are satisfied with just taking a few bites- just enough to get them through the day or at least hoping it will and then wonder where the strength is once the pressures of the world kick in. Wheres the faith, when the sorrows kick in? Wheres the worship and rejoicing when the devil comes after you throwing stumbling blocks in front of you? In hiding the word of GOD in your heart it will keep you from sinning against him (PSALM 119:11). Instead of causing you to run it will cause you to rejoice knowing you have the shield of faith around you. The devil knows you have just failed to suit up with the armor of GOD. He knows theres a weak spot!. When we are in true worship and showing glory to God the enemy has to flee. Give him no opportunity. Lift up a voice of praise. Dont be a worry warrior be a worship warrior.“ Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.(MATTHEW 5:6)
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 01:04:56 +0000

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