WHY WORSHIP? To worship literally means “to kiss toward,” - TopicsExpress


WHY WORSHIP? To worship literally means “to kiss toward,” “to do reverence,” or “to pay homage.” Everyone worships something. It may be material (money, things, people, or self); but such worship leaves one empty and looking for something that fulfills. In Revelation 2-3, the 7 churches are examined by the Lord and are found needing adjustments and encouragement concerning their worship and service to God. The first church, Ephesus, had left their first love, Jesus, in their worship activities. Even the church at Laodicea, with all its physical blessings, had left the Lord out in the cold, knocking to get back into their hearts. Why should we worship God? Because what man instinctively is looking for—fulfillment and a blessed life here and in the hereafter—is found in worshipping and serving the Lord (Acts 17). The reason why He deserves worship is described in Revelation 4-5. There, John was privileged to see God on His throne in heaven in full control of all things. The rainbow encompassing the throne symbolizes God’s characteristic of keeping His promises. (Remember Noah, Genesis 6-8). Around the throne are 24 elders, representing God’s people. From the throne comes lightning and thunder, representing His awesome power. Between John and the throne is a sea of transparent glass, representing Deity’s distance and closeness to humanity. Above the throne are angelic beings, representing all creation with one word repeated three times: “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty.” Below the throne, the 24 elders cast their crowns before the throne saying that He, God, alone is worthy of all reward, praise, and glory. Then, John sees in the Lord’s right hand a scroll (the Revelation). At first, no one in heaven is found worthy to reveal the book to man. John cries. The angel tells him that there is one worthy: the slain Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. Then, all the attention of heaven is directed to Jesus to spotlight His sacrifice for humanity’s redemption and sanctification as priestly royalty on the earth. “All power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing” is given to Jesus by God for us. The 24 elders representing God’s people worship Him that lives for ever and ever, a heavenly vision of an earthly reality. We owe not only our physical, but our very spiritual existence to God, His Son, and His Holy Spirit. We cannot help but return such love and devotion with the same in heartfelt worship. The question is not “Why worship?”” But How could we not worship the Lord?” To God be the glory and all of His saints say “Amen. Steven Guy
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 10:03:12 +0000

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