WISHES FULFILLED: A SEEKING SPIRIT (CLIP) I am Wayne Dyer, and I - TopicsExpress


WISHES FULFILLED: A SEEKING SPIRIT (CLIP) I am Wayne Dyer, and I am well. In fact, I am perfect health, and, by the time this program is over, youā€™ll have a much clearer understanding of what those words really mean. This show is called Wishes Fulfilled. Itā€™s based on a book that I have just completed. I spent the last year or so in writing it, researching it, living it, practicing it, and have come to a place in my heart where I know that itā€™s really not so much about what you want in terms of what you manifest, itā€™s who you are. You manifest what you become as a human being, and this program is about teaching you to become the highest-consciousness being that you can be, to be aligned with your source, to be aligned with God. And when you are, you become a creator and a co-creator in your life. Iā€™d like to open this program with a poetic offering from Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who wrote the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and he also wrote a poem that I used earlier in my life, in one of my earlier books, Real Magic. Listen to the words and ask yourself if, if they really, if they really mean something to be true for you, if you really believe in what the poet is offering here. He says, what if you slept and what if, in your sleep, you dreamed, and what if in your dream, you went to heaven, and there picked a strange and wonderful flower. And what if, when you awoke, you held that flower in your hand. Ah, what then, the poet asks. Do you believe that itā€™s possible to bring something from the world of the formless, from the world of a dream, into the world of the physical. The poet was speaking metaphorically, but I am not. This is really a program about applying those words in your own reality. Most of us were raised to become ordinary, and Iā€™m not putting down ordinary, but ordinary is just not good enough for me. Ordinary is you go through your life and you fill out the forms, and you pay your taxes, and you do what your parents tell you, and youā€™re honorable, and youā€™re honest, and youā€™re a good citizen, and then you die. Extraordinary is something very, very different. This is about recognizing within yourself that thereā€™s something very, very extraordinary that you havenā€™t been trained to believe in, to come to a place where you can apply it and put it into your life. And I want to say to you that I have been working in my life at living an extraordinary life, and so many powerful things have happened to me Iā€™ll be sharing with you throughout this program. But more than that, you can go way beyond ordinary. You can go way beyond just being average. Thereā€™s not an average person watching this show. Thereā€™s not an average person in this room tonight. All of us are extraordinary. We just have to come to believe it. There was a friend of mine, her name was Portia Nelson. Portia passed away a few years back. She lived up in Seattle. And she was at a seminar and they ask her to, and they ask everyone, to write on a five-by-seven sheet of paper or card the five chapters of their life. They only wanted to give them five-by-seven cards because they didnā€™t want them to get too wordy. And Portia Nelson sat down and wrote these words about the five chapters of her life, and I thought I would share them here with you. Theyā€™re so beautiful. She said, chapter one of my life, I walked down the street. Thereā€™s a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. Iā€™m lost. Iā€™m helpless. It isnā€™t my fault, and it takes forever to find a way out. Chapter two of my life, I walk down the same street. Thereā€™s a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I donā€™t see it. I fall in again. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m in the same place. It isnā€™t my fault, and it still takes a long time to get out. Chapter three of my life, I walk down the same street. Thereā€™s a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it there. I still fall in. Itā€™s a habit. My eyes are open. I know where I am. Itā€™s my own fault, and I get out immediately. Chapter four of my life, I walk down the same street. Thereā€™s a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. Chapter five of my life, I walk down another street. Isnā€™t that great? Portia Nelson. I walk down another street. And this is another street. Look, itā€™s called New Street, Old Street. Walking down another street means leaving behind ordinary, and when I use the word ordinary, it has deep and profound meanings to me. Ordinary just simply isnā€™t enough. Ordinary is when you want to become average and to fit in. But to get to extraordinary, what you do is you have to consult the invisible place within yourself, and this is called your soul. And your soul, well, I jotted down a few words about the soul, based on a lecture I heard from a great teacher of mine who lived in Bulgaria. He was an initiatic science teacher, and his lecture was very profound, and I wrote these words after listening to one of his recorded lectures. He said, the ideal of the soul, the thing it asks for is neither knowledge nor light, nor happiness. The ideal of the soul is space, immensity. The one thing your soul needs is to be free, free to expand and reach out and to embrace the infinite. Yes, the ideal of the soul is infinity. It is miserable when it is circumscribed and restricted. It is a fragment of the universal soul, which is infinite. Thatā€™s what I speak about here in this program. The need to move beyond just fitting in, the need to move past being circumscribed, the soul does not like when you get fenced in, when it is told what to do, when itā€™s told it has limitations, when itā€™s told it canā€™t become that. And so many of us go through our life with these enormous limitations that weā€™ve placed upon ourselves that have been handed to us from the time that we were little boys and little girls. If you look on the screen, youā€™ll see something that is very important and powerful to me. ..... Who are you? And what is real? My teacher in India, his name was Nisargadatta Maharaj. He was asked the question, Swami, what is real, Master, what is real? And his response was, that is real which never changes. So, what part of you is real by that definition? Who are you that never changes? So many of us believe that we are our bodies. I donā€™t know about you, but this body that Iā€™m in right now is changing all the time, very fast, as a matter of fact. In fact, I, Wayne Dyer, the I that is I, have been in many, many bodies since I incarnated for this first time here on this planet, right here, 71 years ago. So, I was in a, oh, my goodness, look here. What happened to that body? And there it is, thereā€™s another body that I was in, and thereā€™s another body. And, oh, thereā€™s my brother, Dave, and there I am on the right, another body. And then I was in, look at that haircut. They did it with garden shears in those days but I lived in foster homes. There I am, look at that hair. Can you believe that? Is that, is that possible? And then I was in this body, and then I was in this body. And I have been in toddler bodies, baby bodies, teenaged bodies, macho bodies. Mustache bodies. Endless bodies I have been in with my little ones and my eight children. And the fact of it is that, when you think about it, when I was in the 20-year-old body that I was in, I really thought it was real. Didnā€™t you? I mean, even the body that youā€™re in, all of you look at your body and think, well, letā€™s see, I was in a 20-year-old body, and is it real, was it real? Well, you believed that it was real, but Iā€™ve been looking for that 20-year-old body for 50 years now. I canā€™t find it. And the fact of it is, the body that youā€™re in right now is not who you are, because it doesnā€™t meet that fundamental definition of what is real. What is real is what never changes. The fact is that who you are keeps occupying new bodies every single moment that you are here on this planet. There was a great poet, her name was Emily Dickinson. I feel like she was, must have been a sister, a soul mate of mine. She once had a poem, she said, holding up a handful of dust, she would reach down and say, this quiet dust was gentlemen and ladies, and lads and girls, was laughter and ability, and sighing and frocks and curls. This passive place, a summerā€™s nimble mansion where bloom and bees fulfilled their Oriental circuit, then ceased like these. Thatā€™s who all of us are if we identify ourselves with our body. The fact is that everything in this physical universe doesnā€™t meet the definition of what is real. Who you are is that soul that I spoke about a few moments ago, that soul that says, I want to expand, I want to be free, I want to go to a place where I understand that who I am is birthless, deathless, changeless, and live from that place, because what this involves fundamentally is reprogramming yourself from the belief system that has been your ego, the part of us that has come to believe that who we are is what we have, and who we are is what we do, and who we are is what other people think of u like ou reputation, and who we are is separate from each other, and most egregiously, who we are is separate from God, from our source. And so weā€™ve been raised and taken out into the world and said, go out there and prove who you are by achieving, by accumulating, by getting other people to like you. I wrote a book and did a film not too long ago called The Shift and in there I spoke about and used these words: The direction we take in life is far more important than the place that our ego parks us in this present moment, that who we are is this divine infinite being that keeps occupying new bodies, endlessly, until we leave this body and then move on, and there is no beginning, there is no end, there is only now, each and every one of us. So the soul, the part of you that is extraordinary, the part of you that came into this world and knows, I can be anything, I can do anything, I can accomplish anything that I place my attention on, because if you want to accomplish something, you must first just expect it of yourself, and this means changing around the expectations that youā€™ve been conditioned to believe are your dharma, or are your destiny, I am limited, I am not entitled to prosperity, I am unable to deal with my physical ailments, I need something else, I need to take pills in order to do it, I need to have somebody else do it for me, that within each and every one of us there is this marvelous knowing that is really and truly God ourselves, each and every one of us. .... And then thereā€™s within each and every one of us a higher self. And this higher self is, is really the soul, itā€™s really the spirit, itā€™s really, itā€™s really God. But these two selves are sort of constantly at, theyā€™re not at war so much with each other, but thereā€™s a, thereā€™s this battleground that we have within us. .... And this is what Joel said. He said, then there are those who reach a stage in which they realize the futility of this constant striving and struggling for the things that perish, things which, after they are obtained, prove to be shadows. It is at this stage that some persons turn from this seeking for things in the outer realm to a seeking for them from God. And thatā€™s who you tuned into today, on this program. I have left this pursuing things, and money, and fame, and winning, and being better than others. Itā€™s taken me awhile, but it has been, it has been a powerful journey. As a matter of fact, I had said to my ex-wife, I said, can you imagine, did you ever in your wildest dreams, could you ever have imagined that you would be married to the third most spiritually influential person alive? And she said, I just, she said, they didnā€™t call me when they made that list. And she said also, she said, I donā€™t want to upset you, dear, but youā€™re not in my wildest dreams. Yeah, all right. So moving to this higher place is, is really understanding that in, in the second chapter of Wishes Fulfilled, I call it the higher self, and it gets defined very specifically by this great Bulgarian teacher, his name was Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. And heā€™s, he was teaching whatā€™s called the initiatic sciences, and I have had his teachings show up in my life in a very powerful way. Iā€™ve studied his writing. Iā€™ve listened to many of his recorded lectures that took place back in the ā€™50s and ā€™60s and ā€™70s and, and I brought a quote of his that Iā€™d like to share with you. Our higher self is perfect, omniscient and almighty, a fragment of God himself, a pure, transparent, luminous quintessence. And that, within each and every one of us, there is a place inside of each and every one of us that is all knowing, that is almighty, that is actually a fragment of God. He then went on to say, the creator has planted within every creature a fragment of himself, a spark, a spirit of the same nature of himself. And thanks to this spirit, every creature can become a creator. And this means that instead of always waiting for their needs to be satisfied by some external source, human beings can absolutely look inwardly by means of their own thoughts, their own will, and their own spirit, to obtain nourishing, healing elements that they need. This is why he said to all of us, the teaching I bring to you is of the spirit, of the creator, and not of matter, a spark, a spark that is in each and every one of us. And this spark I want you to be able to recognize, because that spark, Iā€™d like to see you have it grow from just a tiny little spark, which means you can hardly see it, to a fragment, to a piece, to a larger chunk, if you will, to a section, so that this spark within you, that you see up here, is growing and growing and growing, until it absolutely becomes even more than you imagined. T. S. Eliot, the great American poet, said, we shall not cease from exploration, but at the end of all of our exploring will be to return to the place from which we originated, but to know it for the first time. I paraphrased that, itā€™s off a little. To know it for the first time. I think that T. S. Eliot might have been speaking about death, but Iā€™m not. I think that we can come to know this place from which we originated, the place to which we return, all of us, by allowing this spark to become something bigger than just an occasional thing where you extend an act of kindness someplace, or you have it at the church, or at the mosque, or at the synagogue on a holy day or a holy observance, that it can become your way of being. There was a great teacher in India, his name was Vivekananda. Vivekananda came to the West as a young teacher, a very profound teacher, and he was asked the question, but how do you do this? How do you, how do you access this higher self? How do you make this your reality? And he said these words to his devotees, and I say them to you. He said, in the springtime, go out and observe the blossoms on the fruit trees. He said, the blossoms vanish of themselves as the fruit grows, and so, too, will the lower self, the false self, the ego, vanish as the divine grows within you. Itā€™s about allowing yourself to recognize you must have this spark, because this is what you came from, and this is what youā€™ll return to. And as this spark becomes a fragment and becomes a section, and becomes larger and larger, you reach what I call, in Wishes Fulfilled, the third chapter, the highest self. ....It is he who peers from behind your eyes, who is your own consciousness, who is your very self. You are not just a part of God, you are altogether God, and God is altogether you. Now, thatā€™s scary stuff for a lot of people. We werenā€™t raised to believe that. Iā€™m not saying that you ought to go out into the world and say, excuse me, but, uh, you know who youā€™re talking to, that I am God. And the reason that we laugh is because we think of God as the God that weā€™ve created in our own image, the God of the ego, the God whoā€™s angry. The God who wants special favors, the God who has the ability to heal, but withholds it. But thereā€™s another word that Jesus used in the New Testament, and this is the God I speak of, quoting him. God is love. And he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in me, and I in him. God is love, pure, unconditional, blissful, divine love. Thatā€™s who you are. The second great teaching was a man named Neville. Neville Goddard, passed away in 1972, lectured over in California, particularly in the ā€™40s and ā€™50s and ā€™60s I read his book, The Power of Awareness, seven times. I gave it to each one of my children at Christmas a couple of years ago. And they called me up and they said, Dad, itā€™s great, but I donā€™t understand it, itā€™s a little heavy. And I said, well, then maybe itā€™s part of my dharma to make it a little clearer. And Chapter 27, the last chapter of his book, The Power of Awareness, it says this. In all of creation, in all of eternity, in all of the realms of your infinite being, the most wonderful fact is that which is stressed in the first chapter of this book, you are God. You are the I am that I am. You are consciousness. You are the creator. This is the mystery.... In the New Testament, which I read completely before I wrote Wishes Fulfilled, Jesus is about to be stoned. And he says, why would you stone me? And they say, because you blaspheme, you are a man and you claim to be God. And Jesus responds, in his words, is it not written in your laws that I have said, you are Gods, all of you. We are all Gods. We have within us, not the God that so often we are taught is outside of us, but the God that is love, the God that is perfect love, the soul that wants to expand because it is infinite and doesnā€™t want to be restricted. And I came across some great teachings that were sent to me. They showed up, as we often think they show up as accidents, but you come to realize that there are no accidents in this universe. Everything that takes place is, had the pieces moved around by something bigger than all of us. And so it was called The ā€œI Amā€ Discourses. And I quote from The ā€œI Amā€ Discourses. The first expression of every individual, everywhere in the universe, either in spoken word, silent thought or feeling is, I am, recognizing its own conquering divinity. The student, me, you, all of us, endeavoring to understand and apply these mighty, yet simple laws, must stand guard more strictly over his thoughts and expression in words or otherwise. For every time you say, I am not, I cannot, I have not, you are, whether knowingly or unknowingly, throttling that great presence within you. These words, I am, I opened up this program with the words, I am well. I am perfect health. And where do you think they came from? What do these words, I am, mean? A very quick retracing of the story of Moses. Moses, this little baby, who was born at a time when the Pharaoh had ordered all male children to be drowned in the Nile, and Mosesā€™ mother took this little baby, put him in a basket and floated him down the Nile. Moses was discovered by the Pharaohā€™s daughter. The Pharaohā€™s daughter raised Moses as her own son, and the Pharaohā€™s grandson. But along in his late teen years, he got into a conflict and ended up seeing one of the Israelite slaves being mistreated, and he ended up killing him. So Moses had to take off, because he was afraid for his own life. And he went out into the Sinai, and there married Zipporah, and had children, and was out as a shepherd. And as the Torah tells us, as it says in Exodus, he comes across a burning bush one day that is not being consumed. And the bush speaks to him. And rather than even misquote this, even a little, I brought from my hotel room. You wouldnā€™t steal the Bible, would you, Wayne? No, Iā€™ll put it back. So the bush speaks in Exodus, Chapter 3, and says, Moses, Moses, and the first words that Moses says to God are, here I am. Then he said, do not draw near here, this place. Take off your sandals and your, for your feet, for this place where you stand is holy ground. And God speaks to Moses and says, I want you to go to the Pharaoh, and I want you to free your people. And Moses is going, well, wait, wait, hold on here. Who am I, and who are you? Moses says to God, who am I, that I should go to the Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt? So he said, I will certainly be with you, and this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you. When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain. Then Moses says to God, indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and I say to them, the God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they say to me, what is his name, what shall I say to them? And God says to Moses, I am that I am. And he said, thus, you shall say to the children of Israel, I am has sent me to you. This is my name forever, and this is my memorial to all generations. My name is I am that I am. Now every single time that you use the words, I am, you are citing the name of God, right from the holiest books. And every time you say the words, I am weak, I am poor, I am unlucky, I am unhappy, I am sick, I am unable to attract into my life what you want, you are desecrating the name of God. God did not say, I will be. My name is, I hope things work out well. My name is, maybe things will show up that I wanted, but possibly not. He said, I am that I am. You must be conscious of how you use these words, I am. I am strong. I am well. I am content. Even if your senses tell you something different, I am. And as we move now into the meat of this program, youā€™ll see that putting the words, I am, in front of something into your mind and imagination is a very powerful way to attract into your life, recognizing your own divinity. I am God is not blasphemy. It is your identity. In my study of the work that I mentioned earlier, particularly the work of Neville, and the work of U. S. Andersen, and The ā€œI Amā€ Discourses, I came up with, in putting that all together, five, what I call five Wishes Fulfilled foundations for being able to attract into your world and become the kind of person that you expect yourself to be. Remember what I said about the quote on this wall of the swimming pool. If you want to accomplish anything, which means to become an extraordinary level of consciousness person, you must first expect it of yourself. You must see yourself and be unafraid to say to yourself, I am connected at always, at all times, to my source, to the divine mind, to the Tao, to God, to that which is the creator of all. I am a part of it.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 00:01:40 +0000

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