WOAH. I am learning extremely rapidly that you simply do NOT know - TopicsExpress


WOAH. I am learning extremely rapidly that you simply do NOT know what Life has in store for you. WOW, what a cosmic series of events that have led me to this even more cosmic happening! After being in Israel for not even 2 days, I got my dream job!!!!!!!! I woke up really early today and decided to get a start on my job hunt. I checked craigslist wondering if there was even a craigslist in Israel and stumbled upon an ad (in English) for an amazing opportunity. I sent a few emails back and forth with the lovely Boston-born Brielle and we decided to meet in a small ivy-covered cafe in southern Tel Aviv. Little did I know destiny waited for me at that brushed bronze table. Turns out she is a published writer & photographer in her late 20s. She has a wonderful book that features photographs of her backpacking ventures through 3 different continents. She also works full-time for United Hazalah, one of the only national & international non-for-profit organizations dedicated to bringing peace in the Middle East through bringing together Palestinian & Israeli EMS volunteers that work PEACEFULLY, side-by-side to provide immediate medical attention to who ever is in need. She hired me to be her assistant while she publishes her memoirs. We sat there exchanging how we got here, stories of pain & joy (surprising both involving a gut wrenching break up)... and I guess she saw something she liked because I got the position!!!!! I will officially be writing for her blog & traveling the entire country alongside her taking photos & meeting such a wide variety of famous artists, designers (clothing/interior/architectural), painters, and photographers from ALL OVER THE WORLD to interview!!!! Mainly, people who made it from nothing. It is unreal but I think I just found my twin soul. What a huge learning experience for me, from someone who is doing identically what I want to be doing. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a deep appreciation for all of those things, but to top it off she started as the vice president of the biggest interior designer company on the east coast. (You guys know how much I dork out over interior design).... basically.... moral: you can never dream as big as God can plan. You may feel like me, insecure, but if you hold on and you do good wonderful things may be in the works for you... Guys... HEALY OUT! And so, #theflourishingbegins
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 13:23:29 +0000

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