WOMENS PRIMAL DEFENSE/TEEN PRIMAL DEFENSE Watch this video. This is why you were smart enough to seek training. Can any of our graduates comment on how our training would probably ensure you dont react this way? Think SMAARTS. Think awareness, boundaries, communication, defensive skills. ABCD. 1 short course would have made all the difference. Here are some very simple car jacking avoidance tips: 1. Be aware 2. Be especially aware when doing things that are know to be dangerous, at dangerous times, at dangerous places. You know, like getting cash, at night, from an isolated ATM by yourself 3. Car should be in Drive, foot on the brake 4. If anyone approaches: Drive, Drive, Drive! 5. Dont talk to strangers who want to chat as you withdraw money from an isolated ATM at night. 6. Really consider what the bad guy is doing if he is trying to force you to a secondary location (or put you in the trunk) 7. Never trust the good word of a bad man. Sure a rapist, murderer kidnapping you wont hurt you if you cooperate... because the rapist, murderer, certainly wouldnt lie. 8. There are glow in the dark emergency levers in almost all modern cars that allow you to open the trunk from the inside. dfw.cbslocal/2015/01/22/woman-kidnapped-at-arlington-atm-talks-about-ordeal/
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 06:24:46 +0000

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