WOP NEWS HEADLINES. NALA MANDATE AUDITORIUM: NATION BUILDING CONFERENCE DAY 4 I heard that there is shortage of water in our country. Today I will annihilate the shortage of water; rain belongs to our home town; every rain that is going to fall on you; I command it to be Faith Water. God spoke to plenty that there should be Plentians; there is no nation that you can go to and find the nation of Plentians and get these healing and miracles. The church is not built on constitution; the church is built on the foundation of Apostles and Prophets. I didnt know Christ by theory or teachings of man, but He Himself visited me with His angels when I was less than 20 years for about 1 year and 6 months, He called me by name. The Gospel of Plenty is not what is in the bible but by it came by revelation. The Nation of Plentian came by the revelation of Jesus Christ. As a Plentian Nation, we view ourselves as a Nation in South Africa, we have our own philosophy. It is not every man of God who has the grace to lay the foundation. Anyone who cannot trust me with the finances of this ministry, that person is dangerous. God said: I have called you to be a Father; raise pastors. I will reward you for raising sons, I will reward them for their submission. God said: dont run the church based on trust but on principles. God said there is a great attack, that can be dealt with in the spirit; so all our branches will meet together daily at 12pm for prayer; He said to me yesterday that when I defeat this one I am done; fear no more; we got to defeat them in spirit. Prophecy: I see a lot of farms; I cannot explain this thing. I see this thing having a king, I see that place not like other places and that is the City of Plentians. What happened on Tuesday about the rain; God said: Im showing you that when you reach the land of Plenty (not the World of Plenty); the World of Plenty will bring rain in the land of Plenty. NMI Pastors are one of the instructors of the house but they are not the master builder. A husband is a master builder through his logic, therefore a leader does not dominate you but he tells you and leaves it up to you. The King told Plentians that there is nothing more painful then seeing Plentians being an audience of the devil by watching all these television soapies. Stay away from ancestral rituals, birthdays, christmas, so that I may present you to God pure, this Plentian nation is built to be pure. Plentians we are in a battle, refrain from getting into a marriage which I have not blessed in my heart, because you will regret it one day. You cannot take a serious decision without my consent. Plentians were instructed to hold their hands and say you belong to our family, because what God puts together no man can separate. He mentioned boldly saying, only love will keep us together because love keeps no record of evil. Believers you all need to be patient with each other and also dont take each other to court. Plentians your rod is Faith Water, it is a blessing to us as Plentians, water belongs to us, never forget that. As a plentian you dont comment on any public issue before the official statement from DR HQ NALA, because we as a family have one voice. The Plentiologist then requested the entire congregation of Plentians to bring forth their special offering and declaring prophetic words upon them. Today I announce jubilee, plenty, things are coming back, what has been stolen by the devil is coming back, I release the deal of flat, it is working out now. For todays detailed news visit our news website on wopnews.co.za
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 20:30:58 +0000

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