WORD FOR HUSBANDS!!!!!! As I have been meditating the Lord has - TopicsExpress


WORD FOR HUSBANDS!!!!!! As I have been meditating the Lord has continually placed in my spirit the need for men who are husbands to know what the bible says in reference to how they should treat their wives. I am aware that there are many different opinions on this matter. I believe that the ultimate example is given in the bible. If we want to know how marriage should be then we should turn to the Lord God who ordained marriage. Because the topic of marriage is so encompassing I am only going to deal with a couple of aspects of marriage. I know that at this time in the world and in the Body of Christ the marriage and family is under more attack than ever before in history. There are many real issues and problems that people face in their relationships. Some of the issues that cause problems in marriages today are lack of trust, lack of communication, lack true commitment, lack of proper respect, and lack of true unconditional love. I want to say after 20 years of marriage, a year of separation, almost divorce, not to mention other issues I am not speaking from just what I’ve studied and read, but from what I know. My marriage with my wife now is not perfect, but I can honestly say that it is an awesome relationship and that we are growing closer to God and one another daily. Crishaon has become my best friend, buddy, lover, confident, partner in ministry, and truly my partner in life. I can honestly say that it has been Jesus Christ that has mended our marriage, kept us together, and kept us growing. You have to understand that when I was in Texas by myself no friends, no family, and no wife when I was to the point of breaking and cried out for help, it was Jesus Christ who answered through the Holy Spirit. There are many that know my wife and me, who didn’t think we would be together. I didn’t think we would be together. I just want to share with you some things that I learned from the Lord through prayer and time with Him. Ephesians 5:25 says that we as husbands should love our wives as Christ loves the church and gave Himself for it. Literally this means that He is our example of how we should love our wives. He was willing to sacrifice His very life, for us to have blessed life here on earth and eternal life. He loves us unconditionally regardless of how we love or treat Him. This doesn’t mean that we can just blatantly sin. This means that because He has given Himself for us that we can be forgiven when we repent and strive to live to please Him. We as husbands should be willing to sacrifice our selves daily and die to our flesh, so that Christ through us can love our wives the way they deserve to be loved. When we love as Christ loved, our love is not conditional on how our spouses look, act, talk etc… It is a love that says regardless of what you do, I love you completely. I completely unconditionally accept you, desire the best for you and I want you to be your best. This doesn’t mean that I have to tolerate sin but it does mean that I stand by you and cover you while you are coming out of sin and continually growing into who God called you to be. Just as Jesus is loving us into, wholeness. We have the task of loving our wives into wholeness. This is not done in our own strength alone but with the help of the Holy Spirit who has shed the love of God abroad in our hearts. (Romans 5:5) I have found that as I attempt to love my wife as Jesus loves me, I have seen such an awesome response from her, and growth in our relationship. She also sees the love of Jesus in me and is drawn more towards the things of God. If you want to see your family grow in positive Godly fashion in life, allow them to see/experience the love of God in and through you. Now don’t get me wrong my wife is now a powerful preaching woman and apostle of God, yet I being through God the head of the house still sets the tone for the house. Being the head of the house doesn’t mean that I am a dictator or bossy, it just means that God has positioned me and given me the responsibility to nurture, cover, protect and have authority to make final decisions when the family is concerned. This final decisional authority doesn’t mean I can just bark that “I have the final say so in this matter”. This means if we can’t come to an agreement and a decision must be made then I prayerfully make the decision and take responsibility for the decision. I also want to share men that you need to get to the point in your walk with God that your first reaction to negativity is to pray instead of argue, or reacting negatively. Ephesians also talks about Jesus cleanses or sanctifies the church by the washing of water by the word. I believe this means literally that we are cleansed inwardly through His word of life spoken to us, or as we read. He told the disciples in John 15:3 that they were clean because of the words He had spoken to them. Is your speech refreshing, cleansing and full of healing (without judgmental under tones) for your wife, family or loved ones??? I have found that if I continue to encourage, honor and speak according to the word of God into my wife’s life that she is becoming exactly what I confess. A very important note is that you should be seeking Gods face and heart concerning who your wife is, what is her assignment in life. You are the one God gave to her to facilitate and bring her to who she is in Christ whether it be apostle, prophet, 5 fold minister, CEO, entrepreneur, successful wife, mother etc…. We know it has scientifically been proven that what we say to a person can affect and mold that person for better or for worse. We must as men also understand that you and your wife through marriage have become one. So when you strengthen, encourage, and help your wife maximize her potential in life and especially the things of God you are actually strengthening yourself. (Ephesians 5:28-29) I don’t mean to ramble on, but the bottom line is we as men set the tone for our households and marriages while our wives sustain that tone in the atmosphere and climate and environment. Did you get that? Once we set Christ like, biblical kingdom tone, then our wives sustains that tone throughout the marriage, family, household by affecting the atmosphere, climate and environment by what we have released to them. If we want a family that prays, then we must lead by praying and setting a tone of prayer. If we want a family of peace and true communication, then we must communicate and set a tone of peace. If we want unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness to be in our relationships then we must give and set the tone unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness. It’s kind of like when you have that one particular guy that is your boy. You know your best friend. It seems no matter what he may do, he is still your boy regardless of what happens. You have the attitude that you won’t let anything or anyone come in between your friendship. That is how your relationship with your wife should be. More importantly that is how your relationship with God through Christ Jesus should be. I will also say this there should not be anyone that you are in relationship with that you are closer to than your wife. That means even in communication. I also want to say please communicate with your wives and be good listeners. I promise you a lot of problems will be stopped early on if you listen attentively and communicate with your wife. The most important thing I can tell you is to pray and keep your house protected through the Lord from the negative unseen, forces that can cause a lot of confusion, strife, and trouble to enter a marriage. Read Ephesians 5:20-33. This will give you a lot of insight on how to treat your wife. It is important to remember that if you want respect then you must give respect. What ever you sow you will reap. (Galatians 6:7) This principle is multiplied in your wife because any seed she receives, she takes it, incubates it, multiplies it and then gives it back to you. Men of God/husbands just remember when dealing with your spouse ask yourself how would Jesus deal with this, and how has he dealt with me. Love you Beloved!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:25:44 +0000

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