WORD FOR JUNE 23 DOUBLE PORTION In 2 Kings Chapter 2, - TopicsExpress


WORD FOR JUNE 23 DOUBLE PORTION In 2 Kings Chapter 2, Elisha, the student of Elijah, was determined to stay the course until God would grant him a Double Portion of the spirit that was upon Elijah. Elisha had been under Elijah’s training for some time, had seen God move upon the old prophet to perform mighty miracles of deliverance and had seen God answer Elijah’s prayer with fire from Heaven to consume the altar and the offerings. Elisha understood that there was something very different about Elijah and that is what Elisha wanted to have. He didn’t settle for the life of the mediocre but charged ahead, against all odds, to become a great prophet like Elijah. Elisha did not ask for double the power but rather double the Spirit, Spirit of faith, Spirit of obedience and Spirit of courage. The request was a hard thing, was beyond the power of Elijah, only God can give this and the condition to get his request was that Elisha had to remain faithful until the departure of Elijah. Opposition didn’t shake his resolve, opportunities didn’t shake his resolve and obstacles didn’t shake his resolve. When Elijah began the journey toward the time when God would take him away, he knew the journey ahead was a long and arduous task. If we are going to experience God’s Double Portion in our lives we must be willing to study, listen, learn, meditate, pray and seek God’s will constantly. We have to live a life of self-discipline, self-denial and complete obedience to the leading of the Spirit. We must live a life of dedication to a higher cause, living for a higher purpose and absolute commitment to be all that you can be in Christ! Brothers and sisters in Christ, the key to having the Double Portion and doing the “greater works” than even Jesus did while He walked on this earth is this: You must have faith that Jesus is the Son of God and that He will give you God’s best. You must have faith that He will keep that which you commit unto Him and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. Finally, you must continue to follow Him to the end. Only Elisha experienced walking across the Jordan with Elijah. Only Elisha was willing to go all the way. Now, only Elisha was granted his deepest desire – for the Double Portion. I pray that we shall work and walk to experience the fullness of the Double Portion of the Spirit of God!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:49:14 +0000

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