WOW! How time flies! 23 years ago today I gave birth to my 4th - TopicsExpress


WOW! How time flies! 23 years ago today I gave birth to my 4th son. His arrival should have given me a clue but not. His shoulders got stuck causing both hips to be dislocated. He was 10lbs 3oz 22 long. Newborn diapers didnt fit him. The nurses had to get diapers from another floor. His chin roll swallowed his bowtie on his going home outfit. and he ate non stop. Big surprise for a Baker Boy! Within 10 days his problems began. Strep B infection, weight loss, fevers, etc. By 9 months old his development stopped. He stopped babbling. He was almost 2 before he could walk consistently. His verbal abilities never showed up. His head banging tantrums were heartbreaking to say the least. He didnt come off soy formula until over the age of 2 because of serious dairy issues. By the age of 2 1/2 we were told he would never be normal. He wouldnt ever walk unassisted and he wouldnt ever talk. He was 90% deaf. His food issues would lead to serious health issues. He would not have a good productive life. LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRRRRRREEEEE!!!! Ryan runs like the wind...especially if theres Golden Corral at the finish line! He talks in his sleep he has so much to say! And everyone knows GET OUT OF THE WAY TO THE BUFFET! Yes, he has his issues. But who doesnt!! But Ryan has given me the biggest gift of to live, love, and smile regardless...PERIOD! I love you My not so little Boorat!!!!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! FYI...yes, he is working today. But because he chose to. He could have had the day off with pay but he chose to BREAK the bank and make double by working it!!! Now how unproductive is that???
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 10:42:25 +0000

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