WOW! POW! I believe the Heritage Foundation is just one of the - TopicsExpress


WOW! POW! I believe the Heritage Foundation is just one of the many Ruling Elite Secret Societys of the New World Order who work under the direction of the Council on Foreign Relations.. Hillary Rodham Clinton Bush confirmed who really runs this Country. They are running it right into the ground. We are borrowing from a Communist Country and then hand it out like its paper to many so-called friends. I was taught long ago, you cant buy friends. When the money stops, so does the friendship. Our money is not worth the paper it is written on because of their actions. The Plan? According the the Script of the Illuminati End Game? Money is also called Script. Money, or the love of, is the Root of all Evil which I believe has touched every Branch of our Government in the District of Corruption. I believe the biggest Law Breakers are the Law Makers. I believe we have an Open and Shut Case of Treason. Not to mention, a Case of a million Murders tied to 9/11 and Wars based on it. The People must rise and demand the largest Invoestigation into Government Corruption and Treason that this Country has ever seen. I believe the Election after 9/11 (2004) proves our Elections are Rigged just like the Buildings on 9/11. I believe it also proves the two Partys are really one. One New World Order. Our choices after 9/11 was Skulls and Bones Secret Society Member Bush 43 vs Skulls and Bones John Kerry. We now have a Skulls and Bones SECRETary of State leading US into a Nuclear WW III while our Country is on a brink of Bankruptcy due to 9/11 and Wars. The Plan? According to Script? The People must stand for the Truth now. Or, forever hold their peace. As in, RIP. Silence is consent and can be deadly. The Truth is the Word of God and I believe he has seen and heard enough of the Secrets and Lies. They cant hide them from him, God knows all. I believe the Message of the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) is: The Truth or The End. The Truth will set US free (John 8:32). When I look at this mans last name, it reminds me of how I believe we will die standing at the side of Israel under Secrets and Lies. A Revelation. According to Script? Who knows? Everything is a Secret. When forced to talk, the Lie. The Ruling Royal Family of Liars. The same people we Declared our Independence from in 1776. Proves nothing Changes without The Truth. Peace. See my entire facebook page, its my Book - Change 2013.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 21:17:38 +0000

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