WOW!!! Would this be great or - TopicsExpress


WOW!!! Would this be great or what????????????? On 9/8/2014 Devvy Kidd wrote: Obama To Resign January 1st Amid New Benghazi Revelations According to several senior-ranking White House officials, President Barack Obama will resign from office on January 1st 2015, after learning that a so-called “Smoking Gun” story regarding the Benghazi scandal will soon be revealed. Those sources claim Obama will announce his resignation shortly after the midterm elections in November. The decision to resign came after reporters from Fox News were allegedly contacted in August by a survivor of the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack, who came forward with shocking video evidence that Obama, then- White House Chief of Staff Jacob Lew, and then- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew that an attack on the US diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya was “imminent,” and intentionally ordered key security personnel to leave the facility and travel eight blocks away. Sources at Fox News say that the unidentified survivor allegedly recorded a video teleconference on his cell phone in which Lew gave the orders, while Obama and Clinton watched on. “You don’t want a guy like Mitt Romney deciding your budget,” Lew supposedly states in the video, which Fox News has not yet released. “We need to win this thing, and that means we need to make some sacrifices. Let me be clear, no one will be harmed in this. We’re sacrificing a few buckets of paint, that’s all. We just need a little nudge in the polls.” The sources at Fox say the network was prepared to air the video on August 23rd, but House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) convinced them to hold off on releasing the footage. White House sources say two unidentified reporters from Fox News joined Issa in a private meeting with Obama this past weekend, on August 30th, and agreed to not reveal the video if Obama agreed to resign. White House senior staff negotiated with Issa and the reporters so Obama could stay in office until the end of the year, and that he would announce the resignation in November, shortly after the midterms. Why they agreed to those terms is unclear. Last week the criminal impostor in the WH said he will delay giving millions of liars, cheats and thieves, illegal aliens, amnesty until after the mid-term elections. Im sure Democrats in danger of losing a senate seat got in his face. After all Barry will be gone, but they do not want to give up the power of being a house member or senator. Naturally, the America hating pro-illegals groups and organizations are calling their favorite son all kinds of names, but nothing is done in Washington District of Criminals unless its well planned. Barrys announcement was a shocker although hes still putting on the bravado he will act, just not now. If the senate loses control to the Republicans, I guess well see what the game plan really is. Over the weekend FOX ran an hour long special - the smoking gun on Benghazi with survivors who have decided now they will talk. I watched part of it and their statements about who gave the order to stand down. That individual answers to Hillary and she could not have made it without approval from the piece of garbage in the White House. Hillary the Hun has stated shes going to wait 100 days to determine whether or not, tragically for this country, to run for president. That would be around the time if Barry jumps ship. IF being the key word. I think Daryl Issa owes the American people an explanation of the allegations in the cited column above. I do believe the one thing that will keep one world government priestess, Hillary the man Clinton, from running is Benghazi. She owns it for all the future to come. Nothing will be gained if that dirty traitor leaves the White House because America will inherit Joe Biden who is just as rabid about giving amnesty as is Soetoro. Biden is very dangerous. Lots of people laugh at his gaffes, but I think hes in the early stages of dementia. Should the powers that be decide old Joe cant stay in the WH, who then becomes president? Why that would be our wino buddy, John Boehner, if he were to be elected Speaker of the House again. Beohner is for giving amnesty. He just dresses up his treachery in different packaging. SEPTEMBER 11 Petition to Put 9/11 Probe on NYC Ballot Jumps Big Hurdle - And, congratulations except the powers that be dont want the truth to come out so guess what those shameful Americans are doing to stop it? Read the short piece. Can you imagine the pain and feeling of no one cares the loved ones of those who died on 9/11 must feel? This is one of the reasons people like Bob McIllvanie has been working for the past 13 years - the latest on getting the 9/11 probe on the ballot I have rarely been so inspired by the tenacity and passion of a father trying to seek justice for his son. I have watched many of the talks (videos) that Bob McIlvaine has given – and every time I am moved. It seems he will not stop demanding the truth of what happened to his son. Bobby McIlvaine, was killed in the North Tower on September 11th, 2001 – and was one of the first ten bodies found and examined. The doctor described the injuries – injuries congruent to that from an explosion. So why have the authorities been ignoring Bob McIlvaine’s request for an open investigation? Well there’s a little problem. You see Bobby was killed at about the same time the plane hit – but as he was walking into in the lobby of the North Tower – 93 floors below the impact (Well that is about 1,200 feet or 3 soccer fields away). The lobby was destroyed not by a fireball (as descent was impossible via the partitioned escalators) – but by an explosion. There is footage of the decimated lobby (see below). And the truth about Bobby will let the (explosive) cat out of the bag – and result in a further 3000 murder investigations. Rest at link above. For what? For the big lie. More war, more killing, more destruction, more precious lives lost:
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 17:03:48 +0000

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