WWE Hell in a Cell 2014: results - October 26, 2014 Main - TopicsExpress


WWE Hell in a Cell 2014: results - October 26, 2014 Main show: Dolph Ziggler vs. Cesaro in 2 out of 3 falls for the WWE Intercontinental championship Cesaro and Ziggler locked up as Ziggler went on the offensive. Cesaro and Ziggler had an intense staredown as the fans chanted for Ziggler. Cesaro locked Ziggler in a chinlock and followed it up with a shoulder block for a nearfall. Ziggler and Cesaro traded pin attempts as Cesaro went for the Cesaro swing! Ziggler rolled Cesaro up out of nowhere to pick up the first pinfall victory! Winner of the first fall: Dolph Ziggler Cesaro attacked Ziggler after the first fall and connected with an uppercut for a nearfall. Cesaro scooped Ziggler, but failed to connect with an elbow. Cesaro dropped Ziggler with a right, and connected with the chinlock as Ziggler tried to fight out of the predicament. Ziggler connected with a shoulder breaker, but Cesaro connected with a double hook powerbomb for yet another nearfall! Ziggler then locked Cesaro in a tilt – a – whirl sleeper hold, and then countered it into a kimura! Cesaro managed to shake Ziggler off, and went to the top with Ziggler on him! Cesaro came down with a huge superplex, but looked to have injured his arm in the process, as the crowd started a “This is awesome” chant. Cesaro covered Ziggler for yet another nearfall. Cesaro missed with a spear in the corner, as Ziggler connected with the fame – asser, but Cesaro kicked out at 2! Cesaro then threw Ziggler up and connected with the upper cut in mid air, but Ziggler kicked out at 2 once again. Cesaro then hit Ziggler with the back breaker, but Ziggler connected with a shoulder breaker, followed by a superkick and then the Zig Zag to pick up the second fall, and the victory. Winner of the second fall and still the WWE Intercontinental champion: Dolph Ziggler Rating: **** Analysis: That was an amazing match to kick things off! Ziggler and Cesaro were the favorites to put on the match of the night, and they certainly delivered, although I’m not sure why WWE went ahead with a clean win for Ziggler. It would’ve been better had Cesaro won one fall as well. Anyway, this leaves Cesaro in an interesting predicament, and we’ll have to see what happens next with both men. Backstage, Orton interrupted The Authority and wanted to know where Seth Rollins was. Triple H managed to talk Orton out of it, and wanted him to concentrate on his match with John Cena. Orton then agreed with Triple H, but warned Seth not to get in his way again. Brie Bella vs. Nikki Bella The stipulation was that the loser would either get fired, or become the personal assistant of the winner. Both women started off by pulling each other’s hair. Nikki dropped Brie with an electric chair, and then locked Brie in a chin lock. Nikki then dropped Brie on her knee for a nearfall. The crowd started a JBL chant as Nikki used Brie’s hair. Brie planted Nikki face first for a nearfall, and then connected with a couple of dropkicks, and decked her with a knee to the face, as Nikki rolled out of the ring. Brie then connected with a suicide dive! Brie then connected with a missile dropkick, but Nikki kicked out at 2. Nikki kicked Brie in the gut and then connected with the backbreaker, but Brie kicked out at 2! Brie locked Nikki in the Yes Lock, but Nikki reached the bottom rope, and then decked Brie with a right, and connected with the Rack Attack to pick up the victory! Winner: Nikki Bella Rating: ** Analysis: That was a surprisingly good match, considering it involved Nikki and Brie. Brie now has to be Nikki’s assistant for the next one month, or leave the WWE for good, although WWE took that path some time ago which didn’t play out too well. The Usos vs. Goldust and Stardust for the WWE Tag Team championships Usos made their way out first, followed by the bizarre one and his brother. Stardust started things off with Jimmy, and dropped him with a hip toss. Jimmy returned the favors and went for a pin attempt, as Stardust kicked off. Jey then made his way in, as Stardust tagged his brother in. Jey dropped Goldust with a huge right as Jimmy was tagged in. Jimmy was then attacked by Stardust, who rammed his leg into the steel post, as the champs went on the offensive. Goldust and Stardust worked in tandem, working on Jimmy Uso, as the crowd chanted for The Usos. Goldust locked Jimmy in a reverse chinlock, but Jimmy connected with a jawbreaker. Goldust then dropped Jimmy for a nearfall and tagged Stardust back in. Stardust came out aggressively, and worked on Jimmy. Stardust went for a bulldog, but Jimmy threw Stardust, but Goldust was tagged in before Jimmy could reach his brother. Jimmy decked Goldust, and threw him out of the ring. Jimmy finally tagged in Jey, as he hit the flying crossbody on both Goldust and Stardust. Back in the ring, Jey connected with yet another crossbody on Goldust for a nearfall! Jey connected with a running knee to the head, but Stardust distracted Jey, as Goldust hit a spinebuster on Jey for yet another nearfall! Goldust missed with a flying back elbow, as Jey decked him with the superkick for yet another nearfall. The Usos then hit a double superplex on Goldust and Stardust, as the crowd started a “This is awesome” chant. Still golden... @StardustWWE @Goldust #HIAC pic.twitter/scNPO2WNvl — WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) October 27, 2014 Jey connected with a splash, but Stardust made the save. In the melee, Goldust connected with a knee to the back of the head and planted Jey to pick up the victory! Winners and still the WWE Tag Team Champions: Goldust and Stardust Rating: *** ¾ Analysis: That was yet another amazing tag team match between The Usos and Goldust and Stardust. Usos came very close to winning the tag titles back, but Goldust and Stardust found a way to come out on top once again. Will that be the end of their feud? We’ll have to wait and find out. WWE then put over a breast cancer survivor. WWE aired a video package, looking back at the rivalry between John Cena and Randy Orton. John Cena vs. Randy Orton in a #1 contender’s match inside the Hell In A Cell The crowd started with the dueling “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chant as both men sized each other up inside the cell. Both men exchanged blows as Orton decked Cena with an elbow. Orton grinded Cena’s face against the walls of the cell, as Cena tried to fight back. Orton covered Cena for the first nearfall of the match, as Orton brought in a steel chair. Cena connected with a fisherman’s suplex, but Orton dropped Cena and went for the chair again. Orton drilled the chair into Cena’s gut, and decked Cena with the chair. Cena went for the AA, but Orton dropped him with a DDT for a nearfall. Orton had the upper hand, grinding Cena’s face once again on the cell, as Orton went for multiple nearfalls. Orton wasted time posing for the fans, as Cena rolled Randy up for a nearfall! Orton rammed Cena into the steel cell, as Orton was in the driver’s seat. Cena tried to make a comeback with multiple shoulder blocks and the turning backdrop, but Orton dropped him with a powerslam to stop his momentum. Orton went for the double underhook DDT, but Cena threw him out of the ring. Cena picked Orton up and rammed him into the cell, but Orton turned it around as he crotched Cena between the steel post, and followed it up with a backbreaker. Orton slithered in for the cover, but Cena kicked out at 2 once again as the crowd cheered for Cena. The crowd started a big RKO chant as Orton launched Cena into the steel. Cena turned things around and launched Orton into the steel multiple times. Cena brought a table into the mix, and tried to AA Orton through it, but Orton turned the table and connected with a dropkick for a nearfall. Orton then rammed Cena’s head into the steel chair in the corner for yet another nearfall. Orton set up the table in the corner, but Cena came back with a shoulder block. Cena for another shoulder tackle, but Orton dropped him with an RKO out of nowhere, but Cena kicked out at 2! Orton then threw Cena into the table in the corner and rolled him up for yet another nearfall. Orton then brought in the steel steps, as Cena was still out. Orton went for an RKO on the steel steps, but Cena countered it into the turning backdrop on the steel steps and connected with the five knuckle shuffle. Cena went for the AA on the steel steps, but Orton slithered out and hit Cena with the low blow for yet another nearfall. Orton went for the punt, but Cena moved out of the way and locked Orton in the STF. Orton made it to the bottom rope, but remembered there are no rope breaks. Orton managed to roll out of the ring, as Cena threw the steel steps targeted at Orton, as Orton moved out of the way. Cena connected with the AA out of nowhere, but Orton kicked out at 2! Cena for another AA, but Orton countered it into yet another RKO for a nearfall! Cena drilled Orton with yet another AA, but Orton once again kicked out at 2. Always watching... @HeymanHustle #HIAC #TheAdvocate pic.twitter/pA3ihZBqXD — WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) October 27, 2014 Cena brought in another table and placed Orton on top of the table. Cena went for the legdrop from the top rope, but Orton crotched Cena and tried to go for the RKO. Cena turned it around and dropped Orton with an AA from the top rope through the table to pick up the victory! Winner and the new #1 contender for the WWE World Heavyweight championship: John Cena Rating: *** ¾ Analysis: That was a very good match between the two, but it later became a finisher – fest, with both men hitting each other with their finishers again and again. John Cena is once again the number one contender, and you have to wonder why WWE didn’t give Orton the opportunity to face Lesnar next, but at least for now, Cena is once again next in line to fight Brock Lesnar for the title. Cena stared Heyman down after the match. Backstage, Henry delivered a pep talk to Show, and Show said he would beat Rusev. Sheamus vs. The Miz (With Mizdow) for the WWE United States championship Sheamus went for the Brogue kick early, but Miz managed to dodge it. Sheamus connected with the back breaker and went on the offensive. Sheamus crotched Miz on the top rope, and then drilled Miz with the battering ram. Miz managed to drill Sheamus with a boot, as he now had the upper hand on the United States champion. Miz locked Sheamus in a rear naked choke, as the crowd chanted for Sandow. Sheamus dropped Miz with axe handles, and then with a high knee. Sheamus then went for the rolling senton on The Miz on the outside! Sheamus connected with another battering ram for a nearfall inside the ring. Miz countered with a big boot, but Sheamus stopped him with the Irish curse backbreaker for a nearfall. Miz dropped Sheamus with a neckbreaker for a 2 count, and then connected with a DDT for yet another nearfall. The crowd then started a “Mizdow’s awesome” chant. Miz went for the figure four, but Sheamus countered it into a slam. Mizdow interrupted the referee as Sheamus went for a cover, as Miz connected with the SCF for a nearfall! Miz connected with a clothesline in the corner, and went to the top, but Sheamus drilled Miz with a Brogue kick to pick up the victory! Winner and still the WWE US champion: Sheamus Rating: ** ¾ Post match, Sheamus had fun with the stunt double, and then Brogue kicked Miz once again. Analysis: The most entertaining part of the whole feud has undoubtedly been Sandow. The crowd once again showed appreciation to Sandow, as Sheamus once again got the upper hand over The Miz. It’s about time WWE gives Sandow his due and puts him in a decent feud, and we can only wait and see if Sandow finally gets his due credit. Backstage, Nikki bullied Brie, and poured her smoothie over her. Lana and Rusev made their way out for Rusev’s match with The Big Show. Lana cut a promo about Show, and put Rusev over. She wanted Russia’s national anthem to play, but Show interrupted her. Rusev (With Lana) vs. The Big Show Show traded punches with Rusev, and dropped Rusev with a headbutt. Rusev worked on Show’s leg, and kicked his leg multiple times. He tried to extend the knee as Show screamed in pain, as Rusev drilled his knee into Show’s leg. Show managed to drop his heavy leg on Rusev’s jaw, but Rusev came back with a suplex on Show! Rusev then connected with a dropkick, but Show managed to lock Rusev in a submission of his own. Rusev reached the bottom rope to break the hold, as Show missed with the KO punch. Show then decked Rusev with a couple of shoulder blocks and a spear. Mark Henry made his way out to support Show, as Show delivered a chokeslam to Rusev. Rusev kicked out at 2, and rolled out of the ring. Back in the ring, Rusev superkicked Show multiple times, and dropped Henry with a superkick as well. Rusev locked Show in the camel clutch as the crowd started a huge “USA” chant. Show passed out as the referee called for the bell. Winner: Rusev Rating: ** ½ Analysis: That was a decent match with the two super heavyweights. Rusev was particularly impressive, showing his strength and agility. This will hopefully be the end of the feud, as it was getting stale. Who will be the next opponent for Rusev? We’ll have to wait and find out. Backstage, Dean Ambrose cut a promo about his match with Seth Rollins, and said he would beat Rollins in the main event. AJ Lee vs. Paige (With Alicia Fox) for the WWE Divas Championship Paige dropped AJ with a shoulder block to kick things off. AJ rolled Paige up for a one count, as both the divas exchanged blows. AJ decked Paige with a spinning heel kick. AJ drilled Paige into the ring apron, as Fox attacked AJ. Paige then swung AJ into the barrier multiple times to gain the upper hand. Paige drilled AJ with knees multiple times on the apron and rolled her up for a nearfall. Paige locked AJ in a submission, but AJ managed to get out of it. AJ turned things around with a Lou Thesz press, and followed it up with a swinging neckbreaker, but Paige caught her with a knee for a nearfall. AJ turned things around with a kick to the jaw and a tornado DDT for a nearfall. AJ locked Paige in the Black Widow submission hold, but Paige turned it into a fall – away slam, as AJ rolled out of the ring. Paige tried to go for the tornado DDT on the barricade, but AJ swept her feet under her as Paige hit her head hard. Fox threw Paige into the ring as the referee was counting to 10, but AJ locked Paige in the Black Widow as Paige tapped out. Winner and still the WWE Divas champion: AJ Lee Rating: ** Post match, Paige slapped Fox and said she hates her. Analysis: That was an average match, and it looks like the AJ – Paige rivalry is over. WWE needs someone new to face AJ, and it is the right time for a diva from NXT to be brought to the main roster. It could be the beginning of the feud between Paige and Alicia Fox, and it’ll be interesting to see where they go from here. WWE aired a video package for the match between Rollins and Ambrose, leading up to their match inside the HIAC. Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose inside the Hell In A Cell Ambrose made his way out first with a kendo stick, and scaled the HIAC! Rollins made his way out with Joey and Jamie, and asked them to climb the cell and bring Ambrose down. Ambrose drilled Mercury and Noble with the kendo stick, but Rollins scaled the cell as well and traded blows with Ambrose. Jamie and Mercury held Ambrose down as Rollins drilled him with kendo shots. Rollins ordered his henchmen to throw Ambrose off the cell, but Ambrose fought back with a suplex on Noble, as the crowd chanted “This is awesome”. Rollins started getting down from the cell, and Ambrose followed him. Ambrose caught him midway, and landed some blows and headbutts, resulting in both men falling off the cage and through the announcer’s tables! The crowd chanted “This is awesome” as the EMTs made their way out. As the EMTs were taking both men to the back, Ambrose broke free and brought Seth back inside the cell! The cell was locked, as the match got officially under way. Ambrose drilled Seth with multiple chair shots mercilessly, as Seth withered in pain. Ambrose dropkicked Rollins on the apron, driving him into the cell. Ambrose threw Rollins outside the ring and drove himself onto Rollins with a suicide dive! Seth managed to counter a suplex into a backdrop on a pile of steel chairs. Rollins placed a table between the apron and the cell and tried to suplex Ambrose through it, but Ambrose hung him over the top rope, and came down with an elbow, driving Rollins through the table. Ambrose then worked on Rollins near the cell, but Kane blinded Ambrose with an extinguisher. WWEs on @Syfy ... Someone call The @GhostHunters!! #HIAC #AmbroseVsRollins #SisterAbigail?pic.twitter/yM0enqDoVd — WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) October 27, 2014 Rollins drove Ambrose into a table with a powerbomb, and then delivered the curb stomp inside the ring for a nearfall! Rollins drilled Ambrose with multiple chair shots, returning the favor. Rollins went for a curb stomp on the briefcase, but Ambrose tried to counter it into Dirty Deeds on the briefcase. Rollins countered it into a heel kick, but Ambrose came back with a huge clothesline. Ambrose connected with the briefcase for a nearfall! Ambrose brought in cinder blocks and placed Rollins’ head on them, as the lights went out. After a few seconds of chants, Bray Wyatt ran over Ambrose with a huge clothesline. Bray then planted Ambrose, enabling Rollins to cover him for the victory. Winner: Seth Rollins Rating: **** ¼ Post match, Bray drilled Ambrose with Sister Abigail, as the PPV went off the air. Analysis: That was an amazing main event, as both men threw everything but the kitchen sink at each other. The ending was a little disappointing, as we didn’t get a clear winner after such an amazing bout. This will lead to a program between Ambrose and Bray Wyatt, and with the rumors of The Ascension joining Bray, it will be interesting to see where we go from here. Over – all rating of the PPV: *** ¾ (Out of 5 stars) That was a very good PPV, but the outcomes were very predictable. John Cena is once again the number one contender for the WWE World Heavyweight championship, and will face Lesnar possibly at the Royal Rumble. Rollins defeated Ambrose after an incredible HIAC match, and we’ll have to wait till tomorrow to see the fall out of the PPV. That does it for the live review, and we hope you’ve enjoyed the show.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 07:52:59 +0000

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