WWE RAW SPOILERS. IF YOU DONT WANT TO LOOK, DONT! - The show opens with a power struggle between Randy Orton, Brad Maddox, Kane, and Vickie Guerrero, who all assume they are the ones who are in charge of the show tonight. This after Triple H already openly said Kane was supposed to be running things. Or whatever. Eventually, Guerrero won out with her booking Orton vs. the Rhodes brothers in a handicap match. - Rhodes brothers def. Orton via count out after Orton pulled Fandangos heel walkout finish. As the WWE champion was trying to walk to the back, Big Show came out and destroyed him, putting him through the announce desk at ringside. They tried a stretcher job but Orton walked off on his own. - Los Matadores & Santino Marella def. 3MB in a six-man tag, which makes Matadores vs. 3MB for the 879th time. Marella got the pin on this one, though, with the Cobra. And it had horns, by the way. Yeah. - Backstage segment with Randy Orton, Kane, Maddox, and Guerrero all getting into it after the opening power struggle and Orton getting upset about Shows attack on him. - Damien Sandow def. Kofi Kingston in a nothing match the crowd struggled to get into. - Curtis Axel def. Dolph Ziggler to retain the Intercontinental championship. He still hasnt won with the Perfectplex, though, as he got the pinfall on the neckbreaker. - More arguing backstage, this time between Kane and Maddox. In the process, two matches are made: John Cena vs. Real Americans and Daniel Bryan & CM Punk vs. The Shield. - Tamina def. Nikki Bella after some interference from AJ Lee. Brie Bella made the save but only after the match was over. - Another backstage segment sees Randy Orton run into The Shield and demand to know why they didnt help him out when Show was kicking his ass. They simply said they dont work for him and he need not be concerned where they were or what they were doing. - Fandango def. Tyson Kidd in a match that was made due to events that occurred on Total Divas months ago. Remember when Kidd was jealous that Natalya, his wife, was training with Fandango? Yeah, that was paid off here. - Zeb Colter cut a promo before Real Americans took on John Cena. Considering the geography, he had plenty of material but apparently the crowd didnt want to hear his schtick. Cena ended up winning the match, by the way, submitting Jack Swagger. Antonio Cesaro was over big with this crowd. A babyface turn surely must be coming soon, right? - Alberto Del Rio attacked Cena after his victory, doing the old arm in the chair gimmick. Guess who made the save? None other than Big E. Langston. - R-Truth def. Ryback via roll up after THE BIG GUY missed on the meathook clothesline. - Alberto Del Rio def. Big E. Langston with the Cross Armbreaker. Apparently the wave made a comeback because few were interested in the actual match. - Paul Heyman returned to TV in a wheelchair and banged up. Curtis Axel wheeled him out so he could cut a promo on what happened at Hell in a Cell. In short, Heyman blames Ryback and the fans for what his getting injured at the hands of the dastardly CM Punk. He also vowed to get his revenge once he recovers but Punk came out and delivered another beatdown for good measure. - Daniel Bryan & CM Punk vs. The Shield had no finish after the Wyatt Family interrupted. The lights went out right when Dean Ambrose was going to tap to the Yes! Lock and when they came back up, the Wyatt clan was in the ring. A brawl with The Shield broke out until they united against their common enemy, Bryan and Punk. The Usos and Rhodes brothers evened the scored and the babyfaces cleared the ring to end the taping. Thats the show, folks. Your thoughts? -LF
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:17:59 +0000

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