WWE Raw Results (6/3/13) Welcome to Monday Night Raw and this - TopicsExpress


WWE Raw Results (6/3/13) Welcome to Monday Night Raw and this week we are live from Hartford, Connecticut and we kick things off with Stephanie McMahon making her way out to the ring. She says it feels great to be back on Monday Night Raw but wishes it was under better circumstances. 2 weeks ago Triple H competed at Extreme Rules in a steel cage against Brock Lesnar and not only 24hrs later he competed against Paul Heyman’s newest client Curtis Axel and couldn’t even finish the match. Although he is medically cleared, she cannot allow him to compete tonight against Curtis Axel and says Axel is beneath Triple H and she has made this decision as an Executive, wife and as a mother and knows it’s not a popular decision. Vince McMahon comes out and says he’s happy to see everyone asks the WWE Universe to not boo Stephanie tonight and that she has feelings like everyone else. He asks the WWE Universe to have some compassion but Stephanie is right. He’s given everything and they care more about Triple H than the fans and says Triple H will not compete tonight. McMahon asks the fans what they want. McMahon says WWE is family entertainment it’s not a blood sport and states for the record that Kofi Kingston was put through a table and the crowd chanted one more time. Well there’s not going to be one more time for Triple H and says Stephanie is right, Curtis Axel is beneath Triple H and he’s starting to think the fans are as well. The Shield then make their way down to the ring. -Commercial- The Shield vs Randy Orton & Team Hell No Bryan unloads on Ambrose and delivers kicks in the corner. Kneelift to Ambrose and assault continues on Ambrose. Kane with a dropkick to the face. Powerslam by Kane. Kane with an irish whip runs into an elbow. Headbutt to Rollins. Bryan whipped into the corner hitting a dropkick to Rollins. Kane with a series of clotheslines in the corner and the sidewalk slam to Rollins. Kane to the top rope, Rollins with a dropkick sending Kane crashing to the mat. -Commercial- Rollins with a chinlock on Kane and The Shield doing a good job of isolating Kane from his corner. Kane fights out of it. Dropkick to Rollins. Ambrose with a headbutt. Kane trying to mount some offense but Ambrose delivers a series of headbutts. Rollins and Ambrose looking for the double suplex and it’s countered by Kane as he lands his own suplex. Orton with clotheslines to Rollins and the powerslam. Powerslam to Ambrose. Orton looking for the draping DDT. Ambrose looking to cut Orton off but Orton delivers a double draping DDT to both Ambrose and Rollins. Orton takes Reigns out looking for a third DDT but Rollins lands a kick to the back of the head. Elbow drop by Ambrose. Ambrose with a chinlock on Orton. Ambrose with a knee to the gut. Rollins preventing Orton from making the tag. Reigns in landing punches to Orton. Full Nelson by Reigns. Orton fights out of the full nelson and Reigns with a hard right hand to Orton. Ambrose delivers shoulder tackles in the corner and a hard irish whip across the ring. Reigns with the chinlock and Orton turns it around with a back suplex. Rollins up to the top rope gets caught with a dropkick. Bryan takes Reigns out and unloads on Ambrose. Clothesline by Bryan. Bryan with the series of kicks to Ambrose, cuts Reigns off. Hurricanrana to Rollins sending him clear across the ring. Reigns hit with a baseball slide and the suicide dive to the outside takes out Reigns and Rollins. Missile dropkick to Ambrose and the No Lock applied. Kane with a kick but Reigns hits a spear. Orton with the RKO to Rollins. Reigns counters an RKO and pushes Orton into Bryan. Ambrose hits Orton with the headlock driver for the three count The winners of the match: The Shield -Commercial- Backstage: Bryan and Orton are arguing over their loss and Bryan says he knew Kane thought he was the weak link but Orton thinks he’s the weak link as well and says they think it’s his fault and they don’t respect him. Kane says Bryan’s lost touch with reality. Triple H arrives at the arena and goes to Vince McMahon’s office and asks what’s going on. He tells Stephanie he’s wrestling tonight. Stephanie says no he’s not she saw him collapse two weeks ago. Stephanie says Curtis Axel is not worth it. Vince says Triple H is not being cerebral and tells him to get his ego out of this. Triple H insists he’s wrestling tonight and no one is going to stop him. Vince tells him not do something he’s going to regret. -Commercial- The Usos vs Prime Time Players Splash on Young by Jimmy and double elbow drop. Jey fighting his way out of the corner. Boot by O’Neil to Jey. Backbreaker by O’Neil. Chinlock by Young into a facelock. Knee strikes by Young. O’Neil working over the neck. O’Neil with a necklock and knee strikes. Jimmy unloading on Young with clotheslines and a kick to the midsection. Samoan drop on Young and the back splash in the corner. Kick to O’Neil, another kick to Young. Jey with the splash from the top rope for the three count The winners of the match: The Usos -Commercial- Alberto Del Rio vs Big E. Langston Langston unloads on Del Rio. Del Rio with a dropkick and a clothesline sending Langston over the ropes to the floor. Clothesline by Langston and Del Rio tossed into the barricades. Another clothesline by Langston. Del Rio with a headbutt. Del Rio off the second rope caught by Langston and Langston delivers a series of backbreakers. Del Rio with a series of kicks to Langston. Waistlock by Del Rio. Langston hits an elbow. Del Rio goes for the cross armbreaker. Langston counters and pushes Del Rio into the ropes. Del Rio with a kick to the side of the head. Del Rio has the cross armbreaker locked in and Langston powers out picking Del Rio up. Del Rio keeps the armbreaker locked in while in the ropes but breaks it at 4. German suplex and back to the cross armbreaker. Del Rio turns into Langston pinning his shoulders for the three count The winner of the match: Alberto Del Rio -Commercial- Clothesline by Sheamus and irish whip to Rhodes. A kneedrop by Sheamus and Rhodes with a knee to Sheamus. Irish whip countered by Sheamus. Sheamus goes for the Fiery Red Hand but Rhodes counters. Kick to the head and Sheamus sent to the outside. Rhodes with a knee to the face. Another knee to Sheamus. Facelock by Rhodes and Sheamus counters planting Rhodes face first to the mat. Series of axehandles and a shoulder block. Kneelift and the running senton to Rhodes. Sheamus up to the top hits the battering ram. Rhodes counters White Noise. Sheamus misses with the Brogue Kick. Neckbreaker by Rhodes. Rhodes goes for Cross Rhodes Sheamus counters. Rhodes misses with the moonsault. Sheamus hits White Noise. Brogue Kick to Rhodes for the three count The winner of the match: Sheamus -Commercial- Backstage: Triple H is leaving but not because Vince told him to but so Stephanie’s kids don’t have to see him beat up their grandfather on television and tells Stephanie to go tell Vince next Monday on Raw he’s going to be in the ring and he’s going to wrestle Curtis Axel Backstage: Ryback tells Daniel Bryan to watch what he’s doing and calls him a puke. Bryan says he’s not afraid of Ryback and Ryback challenges Bryan to step into the ring with him and calls him the weak link and after their match he’ll be the missing link. Backstage: Vince tells Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel that the match against Triple H won’t happen tonight and won’t happen next week either. Axel will be in action tonight though and he will face John Cena in a No DQ Match -Commercial- Khali chops Fandango down. Kicks and punches by Fandango. Khali pushes him away and hits an elbow and a big boot. Fandango escapes the vise grip and Fandango and Summer Rae walk up the ramp. Miz comes out and Barrett from behind hits the Bull Hammer. The winner of the match: No Contest -Commercial- Miz unloads on Barrett delivering knee strikes. Barrett hits the big boot to Miz. Barrett drapes Miz across the top turnbuckle and a kick to the ribs. Barrett looking for the knee strikes but Miz counters pulling the ropes down as Barrett falls over the top rope to the outside. Miz to the top rope cut off by Barrett. Barrett miss with the knee and hits the turnbuckle. Miz with a dropkick to the knee. Barret counters figure four leg. Barrett hits the Winds Of Change. Fandango’s music plays and Fandango and Summer Rae come back out as Barrett gets distracted. Miz takes Barrett down and locks in the figure four for the tap out. The winner of the match: The Miz -Commercial- Jerry Lawler is in the ring for the contract signing of the match between CM Punk and Chris Jericho for Payback. He introduces both Chris Jericho and Paul Heyman. Jericho doesn’t give a damn about anything Punk says he’s done all he cares is that Heyman delivers Punk at Payback. Heyman signs the contract and asks Jericho before he signs the contract to think about whether he’s ready to face the best in the world CM Punk because while this arena is filled with Jerichoholics that will not be the case in Chicago and Jericho will be vilified in Chicago because that will be a partisan crowd where CM Punk can do no wrong and CM Punk makes liars out of people who claim to be the best in the world. Jericho suggests maybe the match should take place at Summerslam. Heyman says he appreciates Jericho’s negotiation skills but the answer is no. Jericho says now that the contract is signed where does it get filed. Jericho tells Heyman to stand up and unbutton his jacket. Jericho then tucks the contract in Heyman’s pants -Commercial- AJ & Bella Twins vs Kaitlyn & The Funkadactyls Dropkick by Naomi to Nikki. Naomii goes for a forearm but misses. Kick by Nikki. Nikki working on the arm. Brie comes off the second rope with a stomp on the arm. Naomi fights back and an armdrag to Brie. Kaitlyn with a forearm and drops Brie with an inverted DDT. Kaitlyn off the ropes and a knee to Kaitlyn. AJ walks away from the match and Kaitlyn hits a spear for the three count The winners of the match: Kaitlyn & The Funkadactyls Backstage: Kane tells Daniel Bryan he already competed once tonight and doesn’t need to face Ryback. In all the years he’s been here he’s never seen anyone with more heart than Bryan and Bryan doesn’t have anything to prove to Kane or anyone else. Bryan says Kane is wrong and he’s going to do this tonight without Kane and tells him he doesn’t want him anywhere near ringside -Commercial- Ryback vs Daniel Bryan Bryan goes to work on Ryback delivering a series of kicks. Ryback plants Bryan in the corner. Bryan off the ropes runs into a boot. Ryback goes for a splash but Bryan gets the knees up. Bryan goes for the No Lock but Ryback shakes him off. Kneedrop by Ryback. Thesz Press by Ryback but Bryan rolls through into a single leg boston crab. Ryback trying to kick Bryan away but Bryan has the Indian Death lock in hitting forearms to the face. Ryback clotheslines Bryan over the ropes to the floor -Commercial- Ryback delivers a series of headbutts and a running shoulder tackle. Chinlock on Bryan. Another charge and again Ryback hits the steel post. Series of dropkicks to Ryback. Missile dropkick from the top rope. Flying headbutt from the top rope by Bryan. Bryan with a series of kicks but Ryback delievers a powerbomb. Ryback going for another powerbomb but gets caught in the No Lock. Suicide dive to the outside and Ryback side steps throwing Bryan head first into the announce table. Bryan driven spine first into the steel post. Ryback pulls a table out from under the ring and Ryback powerbombs Bryan through the table The winner of the match by DQ: Daniel Bryan Post Match: A second table propped up against the barricade and John Cena runs out holding Ryback at bay. -Commercial- Cena sent to the floor with a dropkick. Clothesline from the apron by Axel. Backbreaker by Axel and Axel calls for a chair. Chair shot blocked by Cena and a chair shot across the back sendng Axel to the outside. Cena throws Axel over the announce table. Chair shot missed by Axel. Dropkick by Cena. Hard irish whip by Axel. Shoulder tackle by Cena, slam and five knuckle shuffle. Cena looks for the AA but Axel counters. Cena runs and hits the steel chair shoulder first. Axel brings the chair back in. Axel hits the Perfect Twist. Perfect Plex countered into the STF. Heyman hands Axel the mini computer and Axel hits Cena with it. Cena picks Axel up for the AA and Heyman begs him not to do it. He goes for Heyman instead. Axel from behind and Cena catches him and unloads. Ryback runs down and spears Cena spine first into the steel post then powerbombs him through the table as the referee counts to 10 The winner of the match by count out: Curtis Axel -End Show-
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 01:44:53 +0000

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