Walker County, Georgia, USA. Lafayette, GA (County Seat). - TopicsExpress


Walker County, Georgia, USA. Lafayette, GA (County Seat). Citizens have been reassigned into larger voting precincts. We highlight this County in North Georgia that borders TN to the North and Alabama to the West and completely surrounds Dade County Georgia that borders the same two states in the same order and directions. Georgia is a top ten most populated U.S. State and the largest state in geography terms East of the Mississippi river. More of a purple state by political colors even though all current state wide elected officers and members of US Congress are currently Republican. Some national political digests are counting Georgia as a toss up. Much of this is based on rising populations in the states larger cities and Atlanta in particular. About our first point in this post, re: Precincts. A precinct is the smallest of all civic jurisdictions. Civic Jurisdictions range in any set, established jurisdiction that serves as a body of a whole of people from that same area in relation to any Civic Election. Elections of Elected Civic Leaders. Generally and historically, precincts have been created from segments that have natural borders by geography with considerations to having when plausible communities in tact so to reflect the dynamics of a whole community. Ironically, this premise could be considered problematic because in some cases racial/ethnic or other minority status classifications have been sited as reasons to keep or split areas from a previous jurisdiction. The state of Georgia has 159 Counties. Each County generally has the ability to set by process new precincts and in this case decrease the amount of precincts. Political parties also use these same boundaries to create leadership posts such as Precinct Committee Chairman. In some party structures, those are the key voters for that Counties partisan leaders. NO Partisan Leader noted generally as County Chairman of X political party actually has any real authority within the Civic Governance, except to help certify their candidates and monitor civic elections, in that position it serves both the party and civic good. They do have if they so chose some modest over-site authority at and on election day. In the above example Walker County Georgia has two primary political parties, Democratic and Republican. Some groups that are mentioned in the news with the word party may not actually be a Political Party sanctioned by a state or county. Georgia has three state sanctioned as in they have met Georgia Law for ballot access to field candidates. They are: as noted above, plus the Libertarian Party of Georgia When you hear people use the word Party with other words, note they are not RECOGNIZED as real or established parties. This does not mean that they are not real organized groups with a political agenda. One example we hear in the media is TEA-Party, it is not recognized as an official body of the Republican Party and is a body that often is just several who call themselves as such. While some TEA-Party groups may be legally established as an entity, we have not found where they are actually seeking to become a bonafide political party as the traditional noted political parties such as the Democratic, Libertarian and Republican. In Georgia in the 2008 Presidential election year the electors of the respective parties rallied to have a presence for others such as Green and the Constitution Party of Georgia. Precincts are where it begins, for the civic minded and engaged citizen, learn more about t your community and the home Precinct. Please keep in mind that city precincts may be crafted by that municipality and are an entirely different civic precinct separate but a part of the larger County precinct districts. Walker County is a County Wide Commissioner styled governing body with a sole commissioner form of government, most counties in Georgia have County Commissioner Districts to equal the number of commissioners. School Boards may operate in that same style or by other criteria as each County shall generally select. Remember, non-partisan elections are elections where their is no party primary to nominate a member of a set party to be offered against other party nominees in a later General Election. So, for those who wish to become engaged and help shape policy at the City, County, Legislative District or State level, the place to start is where you live and vote. Walker County Georgia shrank its community civic-precinct numbers substantially from 18 to 11, by mathematical % that was a 40+% reduction and may have been challenged effectively had their support became more active. From our research at time of filing this White Paper on Civic - Precincts Only one non official publication had this map available and posted in a web site. We can not confirm if this is the actual lines as it is to small and we can not look at the original publication to confirm authenticity, however we have no reason to think this is not the standing eleven precincts now in affect for the N. Georgia County located in the following legislative Districts: HD:001 and 002, SD:53 and in the US House Georgia Fourteenth District * The next Civic Election day scheduled for this area and the state is 22 July, 2014 it is a run-off election for the Republicans, however in Georgia y it is what is called an Open Primary State. This means you may vote in any election regardless of your political affiliation or Independence. We encourage citizens to educate themselves about the candidates prior to voting, not while you are looking at the ballot on a computer screen and about to vote. ** This paper is published as courtesy to help explain to concerned and learning citizens on where to begin to help improve by the civic process your local, state and national governments. This is comprised of volunteers and if you see a needed edit we ask you to direct message this account and we thank you for taking a moment and hope that is serves to help expand your understanding of some basic civics. *** Fremont Civic Philanthropies reserves all rights and we do authorize any share of this post in its entirety or by segment, and please give credit to the listed organization or Friends of Fremont or site this page and we wish to thank the community organization known as LU for the information they share that is relevant to civics, such as this article. We do not endorse or appose candidates, we are educational and non-partisan. We offer courtesy copies of the US Constitution as our modest fundraiser we sell them by bulk to other groups or individuals. Thank you for your interest in our work and more so about our Untied States and the Republic. Friends of Fremont Staff Volunteer. Charlton Harp Nashville, TN VM/Text: 912 920 4212
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 23:52:24 +0000

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