“Walking In God’s Promises” “Some people say, promises - TopicsExpress


“Walking In God’s Promises” “Some people say, promises are meant to be broken” This isn’t so with God, let’s see what promise means, Promise: An oral or written agreement, to do or not to do something, vow. 1. Indication, as of a successful prospect or future; basis for expectation. 2. To commit oneself by a promise to do or give, pledge. There is an indication of future excellence or success. for example, “a player of great promise” Deut 34:4--There is a land that God has promised. Will you walk in it? or will God ONLY let you look at it from a far and not let you in? (Ei; Moses ) Promise= there is an indication of something favorable to come; EXPECTATION (Ei; a promise spring in the air) Numbers 23:19 says, that God is NOT a human that He should lie, or a mortal, that HE should change His mind. Has He promised, and he will not do it? Has He spoke and will He not fulfill it? NO!! but there is a part we have in this, in receiving and keeping His promise. We have to WALK IN... (there is action required) Like the levites when crossing the Jordan river, as they walked in the water the river opened. There is a part YOU have in this, you have to believe and act. You have to walk in, in order for God to act. He wants to know if you are convinced. If you’ve made up your mind if you’ve made a decision. He will strengthen you, so you can walk in, don’t look back keep doing like Pastor Ronnie Payandeh says, “Fall Forward” don’t look back, Get up go forward! -With our faith we activate the power of God. Like Moses when he did what God asked him. The Red sea opened when he touched the water with his rod. -The sun stood still when Joshua lifted up his hands towards heaven. -Naaman was healed when he washed in the Jordan river seven times. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense but do it. We might not like it but have faith in God and walk in. Maybe these men had fear, maybe they had insecurities, maybe they doubted God, maybe they asked God why?, maybe they got angry at God...but they trusted God and God came through for them. But they had to act they had to walk in believing that he is God. God asked Abraham for his only son and he called it worship. He looked at it as worship. It Is worship. When you trust, obey, and follow God ; you are pleasing GOD! Please God! Love God with all your strength, with all your heart, with all your soul, with everything love God. The Bible is full of promises of God, meditate on the promises, believe on these promises, and walk in the promises of God. God Bless lifewayfwc
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 00:56:24 +0000

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