Was watching a little bit of the JFK ceremonies going on today and - TopicsExpress


Was watching a little bit of the JFK ceremonies going on today and was struck by something....not the assassination in and of itself, as we have all seen that so many times, but I was watching the reporters of that time and the way they covered the event. As I flipped through the channels, the so called News media of today couldnt stop talking through the ceremony and engaging their Talking head panels just jabbering away with each other....the ceremony itself just an excuse for all of them to Banter and blather without pause. (Like annoying people in a movie theater who have to comment without cease during a movie...for all in the theater to hear...feeling so full of themselves and their opinions Oh so important. Fifty years ago, reporters and news anchors had only one job...to report events as they transpired. People like Walter Cronkite would give information as needed, no Opinions or Spin...and if the situation warranted it....they said absolutely nothing...letting the silence of the moment speak for itself. There were no damn Glen Becks, Bill OReillys, Loud mouthed Limbaughs, Ed Shultzs, Maddows, or any of the rest. You never even KNEW the political leanings of the news reporter or anchor because it was bad form to inject their personal political leanings into a news story....it wasnt News Reporting and woe to the hapless one that broke that Golden rule of journalism YOU are not a part of the story...Just report the story. I really wish people would just stop watching these fake News organizations like FOX, CNN,and MSNBC....theyre nothing but political propaganda mills and hacks on the payroll of the various political parties. Let them burn and be tossed into the ash heap of history where they belong. Bring back news reporting....not news Analysis or Opinion Commentary...that crap belongs on the obscure AM radio channels....where all the whacko pundits belong....and nobody has to listen to their hatreds or Conspiracy Theory of the Week. I guess Im going to have to do something drastic...pull a Boys from Brazil and create Walter Cronkite clones.....enough to fill a 24 hour news channel of nothing but News reporting. And thats the way it is....goodnight America.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 20:44:08 +0000

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