Watch WHIPPING BOY Now! I am so excited to be able to share - TopicsExpress


Watch WHIPPING BOY Now! I am so excited to be able to share WHIPPING BOY at long last. It has been a labor of love for Aiah Samba & I as well as our amazing cast and crew. I want to thank Prototype Films which was created through the collaboration of Break / Defy Media and New Regency. Youre support in crafting this film was amazing. Thank you for this amazing opportunity and experience. To my partner in noir crime, Mr. Aiah Samba, this has been a life changing journey my friend. The start of a wonderful collaboration with more to come. The doors that were opened by my fantastic producers Ed Ng, Vicki de Mey, and Chris Ely enabled us to film in so many badass locations and collaborate with sponsors that believe in us and our story. You are all fearless and I love that about you. Ed Ng, Drew I. Nelson, Benjamin Casias, Mario Contini, Trevor Durtschi, Marshall Plante, Duncan Clark, Erik Danford -- the visuals we were able to achieve together in both image and color are astounding to me -- its both futuristic, retro, and natural. On top of that I have to commend Ed on leading the camera department to achieve a visual level most commonly seen in feature films -- with using every tick of the trade from handheld to stedicam to octocopter. Incredible work. My phenomenal VFX supervisors Deb Santosa, Jesse Boots and the great Nathan Robinson / Ntropic brought so much authenticity and texture to this world. I love you. :) When we thought we had reached perfection, Deb would yell we can push further. I love that. And to our talented artists at Ex’pression College - wonderful creating with you all - so many shining stars there! To my amazing cast Tongayi Chirisa (Mwana WaMwari WekwaChirisa), Celeste Thorson, Crispian Belfrage, Ken Gamble, Ashley Short you all brought a genuine core to each character that displayed years of weight behind every glance. Tongayi, my directors cap is off to you buddy, not only did you push farther in every take, you found this inner rage for Napalm and channeled into into a formidable whip while being a broken and searching human being. You nailed it. ;) Eric Jacobus, Eric Holter, Donn Simmons, David Bacci, Deb Santosa, Daniel Riordan, Andy Hengl, Matthew McLean, Mae Segeti, Lucas Hisashi Okuma - I really enjoyed that even in our short film, you all stood out and had such a presence and played a key role in making the world of Whipping Boy come to life. And yes, Jason CH Burton, Steve Tanabe, and Court Bivens you are the best whips ever! ...ONLY second to Napalm. ;) Each of you gave an authentic character presence which makes me want to see where that standoff goes next. Traci Hays, wow - the level of direction in the casting process lent to the roof being blown off with talent -- so much fun finding the faces, hearts, and minds behind the characters in this film. William Myers, you never cease to amaze me. ADn this beast was not an easy task and neither was Project Arbiter. You rose to the challenge again and nailed it. Love you buddy and appreciate all you do. Lily Achatz, Holly Ruth, Andy Hengl, George Troester, Michael John Simons, Rosa E Candelario - polish, just polish and style and grit all around. Your vision in the world of wardrobe, make-up, prosthetics, fabrication, set design -- endless. Incredible craft on display here. Hiroshi Endo, Benjamin Louis, Cosmo Ray Rettig, Chris Chance, Eli Beaird Gadget-Bot, Mark Yang, and Robert Simons - the designs, detail, and nuance you engineered brought a depth only seen in feature films. You delivered in spades. Michael Kao, Keith Ukrisna, Robben Fenderson, Anton Hebert - you made this piece sound fantastic. There is a richness in every scene and I really enjoy how we found the balance between Napalms tone and the emotional moments of each sequence. Ryan Taubert - I. Love. This. Score. It feels modern, rich with culture, and futuristically experimental at times -- all lending to a fresh and fitting score. The emotion, action, nuance are all there. To my mother Betty Chance and father Kevin, to my wonderful girlfriend Traci Hays, to my fantastic manager Evan J. Cholfin, and to my mentor on this film Greg Siegel -- thank you all for having my corner and pushing me to reach further. I could not do the things I love without your support and enthusiasm. Its not every day you are blessed with the opportunity to create a film you feel so passionate about. I love the world of Whipping Boy and Im so glad Aiah, myself, and Prototype can finally share it with you! escapistmagazine/content/prototype/watch#f5
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 20:59:11 +0000

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