Watch the clock. When was the last time you had something to eat? - TopicsExpress


Watch the clock. When was the last time you had something to eat? Hunger cycles peak approximately every 90 minutes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you tell the difference between a craving, and actual hunger? A craving means you want a particular taste. True hunger, on the other hand, does not create an unavoidable discomfort in your belly as most people think, it creates a sensitivity in your throat and mouth along with increased salivation. Sensations of lightheadedness or stomach churning are your bodys attempt to get finished with your last meal, not a cry for more food! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Are you hungry or thirsty? Thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Drink a glass of water then wait a few minutes and see if the desire to eat subsides. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Are you really hungry or just bored? At times, for lack of anything better to do, some people snack. This is usually due to a craving, rather than hunger. When you find yourself wandering for food, try to do something thats not food-related to hold your attention. Eating candy can help, but not gum, as that can make you prematurely hungry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Are you really hungry or just tired? Being tired can create a sensation in or around your midsection, which can be mistaken for hunger. If its late, go to bed. Definitely, avoid eating heavily before going to sleep for a variety of reasons: It can aggravate gastro-esophageal reflux disease and leave you with burning indigestion - very unpleasant. It can make your sleep too warm, which disturbs the quality of your rest. If youre really hungry before bed, consider a small bowl of cereal and milk. Try two small cookies (Oreo size) and a 6-oz. glass of 1% or skim milk. Milk contains tryptophan, which can aid with sleep. A couple of cookies or a little cereal will not create a calorie nightmare. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Determine how much you have exercised. Exercising will have the immediate effect of depressing your appetite, but after about an hour, you will feel that you have worked up an appetite. Consider taking a walk or going for a bicycle ride if youre feeling hungry and its way too soon to eat. Exercise may help to suppress your appetite until a more appropriate time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyze your bodys signals. You may have real hunger and need a snack if: You feel a gnawing in the pit of your stomach. You feel a little nauseous. Your stomach is making noises straight out of Star Wars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stave off hunger until mealtime. Even if it isnt meal time, its better for your body if you dont allow it to feel starved. Try a slice of cheese and some fruit. Have a hard-cooked egg. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eat a protein along with a carb. This will regulate your blood sugar and keep you on track. Try a protein shake in the morning or lunch time. It may provide you with a lot of energy without bloating you. Some folks also prefer meal substitute shakes but a regular protein shake with water or milk will do just fine. Eat an apple along with a little cheese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIPS***** Overeating may occur if: You wait too long between meals. You get a large plate. People tend to eat whats on the plate no matter how many calories it is. You eat in the company of others. You consider the food free or already paid for (e.g. in a dinner invitation or in a buffet). You eat mainly energy-dense, low-residue food. To order your Skinny Fiber and get started please go to winningwithlisa so I can personally help YOU on your journey to a healthier and happier life!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:40:03 +0000

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