We- our bodies, are flesh and blood bio-electic organisms, that - TopicsExpress


We- our bodies, are flesh and blood bio-electic organisms, that can also reproduce these 2 opposing spinning vortices in a mirror image of one another, when directed and balanced from our heart focus- meaning coming from Love & directed via our consciousness using focused intent/thought. Our bodies are a bioelectric instrument.(and our understanding that our bodies -functioning & containing roughly 70% water)...The pyramid structures also function by their use of water, as these structures are also an instrument...their specific mathematics, geometrical shape and angles, along with the channelled water below-creating the perfect geometry of structure in order to initiate the angular momentum to achieve this initial spin, momentum and interraction of the two opposing forces. When we come from the balance of the heart-from love in our thoughts and intentions , our own EM field is able to produce 2 opposing, counter-spinning vortices-(or Vortexes as I like to call them, haha!) in a perfect mirror-image of one another and are able to tap in to this same energy. This is initiated by the feminine spin 1st so it seems... Vortex in.The feminine anti-clockwise & negatively charged spinning vortex, & Vortex out. The masculine, clockwise spinning & positively charged spinning vortex. This forms the tube torus structure and is seemingly self sustaining for a time, possibly indefinitely? Not sure about that... The ankh symbol btw... I believe- is trying to show us this. The balance of the equal opposites. Man/woman, expressing their creational ability, focused consciousness, god force (whatever you want to call it)- from the balance of heart and mind... As above (mind), so below ( heart). To acheive the balance of the mind, (masculine and based or operating from intellect and reasoning, being the positive spin) & the heart, (feminine and based or operating from emotion, intuition and feeling)...all we need to do is come from the heart with our thoughts And intentions. This creates, or initiates the interraction of thes two opposing forces, within our own EM field generated by our bodies, via the balance of the heart. Water is also vital to this function. Anyway-I think I finally found the Start Button that allows access to the ZPF, after trying in my limited capacity to understand it all...possibly and seemingly simple...As Is Nature. Flip the poles (one being the positive charge, the opposite pole, being negatively charged) , thereby voiding out or neutralising this EM field, whose resulting force is gravity. We all need to learn to come from the heart... from Love in order to achieve this. Coming from this place of balance- the correct mathematics and thereby geometry is then formed, in order to achieve angular momentum and commence or initiate the 2 equally opposing forces- the feminine and masculine spins (centripedal and centrifugal forces)-in mirror image of one another. Or a much simpler way to describe this is- Vortex in Vortex out. Come from the heart. From Love. I think thats really all I want to say for now, So, end of rant I guess. :) Nice vid btw!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 16:16:21 +0000

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