We Need God It is very important that we express our great - TopicsExpress


We Need God It is very important that we express our great need for God most especially when we pray. We need God. We really need God. We really need God all the time. We need our Creator God breathed to us His spirit (Genesis 2:7). Without the breath that He gave we can never enjoy the beauty of life. This truth should prompt us to always depend on God. We need our Provider The Lord is our Provider. He is Jehovahjireh (Genesis 22:14) He supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory (Phil. 4:19). Our human achievements, power, riches and honor should not paralyze our reliance on God. Regardless of our educational, economic, social, political, and spiritual backgrounds, we must learn to trust in God as our Provider. We need our Healer There is always hope for the sick to get back to health. It is enough to believe that by the stripes of Jesus we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). Yes, there is always hope for the sick to recover and recuperate. God is powerful and He heals us according to His will. We need our Savior Notwithstanding our religious affiliations and connections, all of us need God. We need Him to save us from the penalty, power, and presence of sin. This is possible through Jesus Christ. And the Bible says that whoever calls upon the name of Jesus will be saved (Acts 4:12). The political turmoils and social disorder that we now observe are the result of an inner problem. This inner problem is the need for Gods salvation. Man need to be saved in order to be free from the power of corruption, greed, lawlessness, injustice, and all kinds of evil. Education without the grace of God has no power to save us from the power sin. It can only deliver us from ignorance but not from iniquity. All of us need Jesus, for He is the One who died on the cross for our salvation. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved and your house. (Acts 16:31) We need our Father In Luke 15 we read that the prodigal son left his father. He did this because he wanted freedom. He was given freedom, but this freedom enslaved him until he ended up with emptiness after squandering his possessions. While going through his misery he remembered his father, and he decided to return. Despite his shortcomings, his loving father accepted him and prepared for him great celebration for his return. Like the prodigal son we also need our Father in heaven. We need His love and protection. If we turned away from the Him, this is now the right time to turn to Him and ask for forgiveness. We need Him, so we must depend on Him. We need God. Even if we are strong and powerful. We still need God. Show now that you need God. Say a little prayer and whisper to God, Lord, I need you to be my Savior, my Healer, my Provider, and my Father.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 08:51:06 +0000

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