We all know people that are allergic to cats, and in fact, some of - TopicsExpress


We all know people that are allergic to cats, and in fact, some of us ourselves may be allergic to them. Our feline friends can wreak havoc on some peoples’ allergies, making them sneeze, get itchy eyes, or worse. However, it’s quite possible for cats to be allergic to us. If your cat is coughing a lot, it’s possible he or she has his own allergies. According to a survey, feline asthma is on the rise because of human habits. Over the years, keeping cats indoors is on the rise (which is great!), but all the things we do can be in some ways harming our cat. Things like cigarette smoke, a dusty home, human dandruff, pollen, and certain brands and types of cat litters can be the culprit. If you’ve noticed an increase in coughing in your cat, consider these causes. Maybe you can limit the amount of cigarette fumes in your home by smoking less frequently indoors. If you’ve been buying a different type of litter, consider that option. There are many things we can do to help our cat not cough as often. If you’re at a loss as to why your cat is seemingly allergic, take him for a vet visit. We can find out if there’s an even bigger problem, or if it’s nothing to worry about. If your pet is ready for anything from bathing and grooming to his checkup, you can call our office at 410-465-6218.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 14:52:00 +0000

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