We are still having port issues. We took Tadee in this morning - TopicsExpress


We are still having port issues. We took Tadee in this morning and the nurse was able to access it and pull blood back... but there is still too much tension when pushing in (just like it had done for us) The good news... she was able to access it and get blood back The not so good news... there is something not quite right... The Plan... We are needing to take tadee to get a procedure done to put dye in her line then ultrasound it so see what is going on. The Challenge... The imaging center or urgent care wont do it because she is pediatric so we need to take her to a childrens hospital. Most of you know how Childrens Hospital scoffed at us and havent been on Team Tadee... so we are checking to see if we need to go to CHOC where we had her port put in. We are waiting to hear back! The Praise.... the Center For Advanced Medicine in Encinitas, has been amazing to our little family. They arent Tadees regular doctors/treatment center...but they have been so great to see us from time to time as we have struggled so much through the past 3 years. Their attitude it ALWAYS to help and to be an important part of Team Tadee. I was feeling desperate this week as we had been turned away from Urgent Care and other Dr. offices that didnt want to deal with our port issue...questioned me about why she had a port...disagreed with her treatment...and gave me the run around with critical questioning...I just wanted someone to help! I called Melissa...the nurse...at CAM and she had us come in this morning before they opened...and GAVE us her time ...she really has a heart for Tadee and just is such a blessing to our hearts. When it was time to leave and I asked how much we owed...she said NOTHING!!! tear...blessing...my heart is overwhelmed! The Prayer... please pray that we can get this issue resolved. its pretty stressful having a line that goes directly to her heart not functioning properly. I just want to yank it out...(not literally) but it causes quite a bit of stress. pray that i dont overreact and that we can feel peace and calm in the midst of this crazy. Also please pray that the scoffing doctors/technicians/nurses/paperwork people...whomever we deal with will just stop the negativity and jump on Team Tadee...its stressful enough without their rudeetudes! The Blessing... all of you who stand by us and lift us up and keep praying and keep pressing on with us!!! we are so humbled and oh so thankful for the army standing with us! 2 Kings 6:16-17 16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 19:28:19 +0000

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