We call the cause of Fibromyalgia, “Neuro-Matrix - TopicsExpress


We call the cause of Fibromyalgia, “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” is an encroachment on the covering of the spinal cord and brain. This encroachment causes the covering to shift positions and pulls on nerves causing many nerves to fire at one time. this in why you get such widespread pain. One of the subset of symptoms that we believe it creates is Fibromyalgia, others are RSD, Brachia Neuralgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Restless Leg Syndrome, Unexplained Diffuse Pain, Depression, Chronic Fatigue, Anxiety, Failed Back Surgeries and so much more. Because of the Magnitude of the shear numbers we will spend more time on Fibromyalgia, but also on its manifestations. Let’s look at Fibromyalgia first. The name Fibromyalgia is in fact a misnomer. Originally it described fibrous deposits in the muscles, causing pain. The only truth to this is that some patients have muscle spasms so severe that they become fibrous. This adds to the problem, but has nothing to do with the cause of Fibromyalgia. In the past FMS patients have been called hypochondriacs, and many times were referred to psychiatrists. And it was not uncommon for sufferers to be institutionalized. Only recently has this disorder gained recognition as a condition that deserves attention. In general, patients are receiving more respect today and are believed when they say they have a problem. Yet still many are looked upon as drug addicts, or presumed to have a self-serving motive, when all they really need is someone to believe them and get them help. So Fibromyalgia is still a very poorly understood disorder. Typically diagnosed by the presence of eleven or more of eighteen specific “tender/trigger Points,” it is characterized by widespread pain and tenderness, and is frequently associated with nervousness, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, depression, and insomnia. In addition to this we often find chemical sensitivities, allergies, Restless Leg Syndrome, cold or burning hands and feet, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This is an abbreviated list, for the manifestations seem to be endless. Some authorities believe that 5-6% of the population in America has Fibromyalgia. That brings the total close to eighteen million sufferers. Women are far more likely to be diagnosed with the condition than men. This may be because they are built with smaller bones and therefore have smaller tolerances in the areas that cause Fibromyalgia. This leaves them much more susceptible. In addition they participate in all of the same sports and drive all of the same motor vehicles as men, and are subject to the same traumas. Logically, then, in any accident, they would be likely to experience more damage to the skeletal structure. Fibromyalgia is different from most diseases in that it takes away the individual’s ability to fight. After years of fatigue, depression, and pain—not being able to focus on anything but poor health and pain, and just trying to get through the day—the patient becomes discouraged and the spirit weakens. Family members, too, can become worn out with the disease and may abandon their stricken loved one. This is devastating to an already distraught victim of this insidious predator. Current research offers little hope and only brings more discouragement. Afflicted, abandoned, alone, these sufferers resign themselves to living with this new destructive life partner, often in dark bedrooms, separating themselves from others, to live out long, lonely days without rest or comfort. Some cannot endure this suffering and take their own lives.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 06:22:32 +0000

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