We certainly had a different weekend! I came home from work Friday - TopicsExpress


We certainly had a different weekend! I came home from work Friday morning and did the usual. Drank some coffee, chased Xavier around the house and tried to watch a little news. Somewhere in there I started to feel crappy. Pain in the right jaw and face, a little tingling and pain in the left arm and some pressure in my chest. As time passed the pressure and pain increased. I had not really said anything to Becky about this and she was still in her Granny-nanny clothes when I told her I thought I really should go back to the hospital. She told me to sit down while she changed and put X in the car. I made it about 3 minutes before I told her I couldnt wait and would just drive myself. She objected, but I was already heading out the door. Got to the ED and checked in with chest pain. One of the most common complaints in ED. It didnt take them long to decide I needed a heart cath. So we went to the cath lab and they checked me out. Seems my Left Anterior Descending vessel was like 97% occluded. They ballooned it and put in a stent. Then an admission to the hospital. Saturday morning the Cardiologist came by and told us she thought I needed a pacemaker because during the night there were several episodes when my heart did not beat for more than 4 seconds. Sooo, we went back to the cardiac lab (after the KU game of course) and they implanted a shinny new, MRI safe, pacemaker. I told them I didnt care about the MRI, I just wanted to be able to Microwave my chili cheese dog and fries! Sunday morning everyone was happy with my recovery and they had me out the door around noon.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 00:06:49 +0000

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