We have a crucial mission in the history of the profession of - TopicsExpress


We have a crucial mission in the history of the profession of lawyer that to discern, to give the mesh the legislative avalanche, so to only what is truly valuable and good for all generations that are to come. Our mission is to make corrections, adjustments where new rules do not work in practical day message Advocate: lawyers must think of the good of the nation Advocate Day 2014 - Thoughts on the profession Celebrating this year on June 24 Day lawyer. We have already initiated events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the appearance of the Act of December 6, 1864 for setting body Advocate, law which established for the first time in Romania the profession of lawyer liberal in its modern form that we know and today. Properly and honors the 10th anniversary of the founding of the National Institute for Training and Professional Lawyers (INPPA), an institution that has an essential role in the development and improvement of the legal profession in Romania. We implement a new project about professional communication between professionals, between the profession and the public. Editing Advocate Magazine, a new format, updated constantly subjected replay Newsletter Publishing Council of the National Union of Bars of Romania (UNBR) and the Standing Committee of UNBR, completion of online public communication platform of every lawyer on the essential elements that customizes conditions rendering his professional services, communication daily communication between the Department and members of the UNBR UNBR on events concerning the coverage of the profession in the public space have become the new realities of the project. In general, there is no endeavor to compromise between thinking and speech, between public communication and facts! It is a sign that the profession strives to relate to its history, and the present, by promoting the profession, the true purpose of establishing Advocate Day. Not advocate any clichés messages Days incurred legal profession. Regarding the profession, usually reporting it is differentiated compared to my experience of each: those who have chosen to conduct the specific legal bases her present defects; those who were chosen, because they believed and believe in it, he shows qualities. And some others exacerbate them! It is a fact that there are historical periods in which the profession was not loved! Preferably collective recollection of the collection of traditions, beliefs, values which professional body of lawyers has grown over time. Thus was forged crossed and professional history. Evocation of tradition in the legal profession can not be denied in the argument obsolete. In the profession each generation forges the history that follows that law is a profession that preserve their cultural identity in the collective memory, especially because of the quiet force of free and creative mind of every lawyer. Law endures forever by the community of interests of its members. Although professional liberal character name was often invoked libertinism (everything is permitted!) The good faith know that law survived over time, so that lawyers have always understood that not everything is allowed and helpful. Law lasted as it turned out, finally, it is mature and its leaders understood the whole man, strong, Keep mastered everything is permitted even if it is allowed. Thats why professional investigation proves that the past had to discern every moment when he was about normative construction profession. Any new institution, artificially implanted in a different environment than the traditional, will have fertile ground for development. Even if the need for adaptation, modernization, compatibility profession is real, they can not do with ignoring and defying the rules. If it were accepted that institutional facts revolt against law must necessarily accepted in the name of progress inevitably overall impression is that it meets temporary or group interests. It is real that in the name of tradition past and the argument can not act on the basis of myths and prejudices. You can not act but not based on a desire thinking that distorts reality according to their own interests or the interests of a group of decision makers. In the past 25 years the profession has been in a constant time pressure and life confirmed that legislative options in 1995 based on what proved to be sustainable in the traditions of national legal profession with the adaptation to the evolution of the traditional model followed by Romanian law (French advocacy model) was correct. The impetus accession to the European Union, the need to adapt on the fly pressure connection profession professions in other European countries works often led to revolt against regulations, and a bundle of economic interests, often occult, to assault the profession aggression intensified especially takeover activities professions traditionally reserved for lawyers. Adapting professional entities by taking specific patterns of organization and management in general economic agents determined the cause transition from custom law, the relationship between lawyer and client guarantee quality professional service provided by the chosen lawyer, the law standardized, de-personalized with consequent Competition replace competent professional based competition between marketing departments. You can not replace the professional competition between lawyers know - in view of the law in force - in subjective reports, customer INTUITU persons with competition between marketers and even with the budgets affected our tradeshows promoting professional or specify advocacy depersonalized. Stumbling institutional reconstruction, claiming denial of such models in the profession and especially satisfying socio-professional insertion pressure licensee law in numerical progression continues. The profession has earned the right to dignity and professional reputation and stand by verticality real lawyers, more difficult to maintain in terms of permanent aggression, violence substituting honest competition and the attitude of the lawyer, usually require specific responsibilities assumed. Life imperative to conclude that the practice of the profession of lawyer advertising major changes. Their implementation can be done only if there is real desire of lawyers to react and adapt to the new conditions imposed by socio-economic reality of the times. It is desirable to avoid expedients amateurish and reinstatement of valence professionalism and moral values that allowed Lasting time profession. A coherent and realistic about what lawyers are really able to build in terms of their own profession requires awareness that the forces of change require a different type of professional. It is in step with the times action-oriented attorney with vanguard visions, but may impose their own experience as a model only if it is understood, usually at the end. Professional lawyer should inspire the mind and not accept someone elses argument with caution and understanding necessary for verifying reason these arguments. We live in times in which usually only the teachers deliver information. Advocate really is only one who does not accept the scheme pre-processed and proven over time as obsolete. Improvisation shallow exercise professional service has no place in school work well done, the foundation for future advocacy. The lawyer we are all striving is permanently free minded, critical and independent. Freedom of attitude based on rejecting prejudices imposed by those who develop and implement training programs and training, nurturing the right to reject patterns, instilling own thinking ability and belief in his own professional action, the postulate according to which the lawyer must bring value-added models when they have, and when they have, you have to create - were the real levers by which the National Institute for Training and Professional Lawyers imposed and requires that the crucible future advocacy. We must know what we want, where we want to go and by what means. Certainly truly free lawyer is professional, not business man, the more it is businessman! Professional and financial success are different things. The big difference is that the first and persist over time and ensure financial well-being, while the second tossing the first hop. Using tools to achieve financial success mercantile degrade stateliness coat, which becomes a corporate overalls. Have you ever seen commercials for luxury watches that cost tens of thousands of dollars, in magazines on the newsstands? No, because these companies with a tradition of meticulous work refined not afford to and tabloidizeze history. If they do that would disappear falling in derision. These companies have resisted because they have a vision of the future of tradition. We need maps of the future. We need to know how we want to look our profession in the future because it determines how it will be valued in society. Numerical development of the profession, at any price, has eroded confidence. Regeneration is its duration and requires our solidarity. The legal profession and its evolution can not be subject approaches which prefer to mind control most successful models proposed lie opposite a free, offering immediate benefits such as conquering a position in the hierarchy or the market of services, etc.. Everything has a price and we must think of when you will pay. And this moment is very close, given the unprecedented speed with which the economy and society becomes, the unpredictability and uncertainty becoming more pronounced. We can only overcome free thinking, with courage decision departing from the pack when you feel like headed for danger! Keeping organized legal profession identity against state and non-state pressures and influences that exclude priority rejecting belief in the work of professional attorney is essential. In the times we live, strengthening professional credo is paramount. All these thoughts they entrust especially the reconstruction work done by INPPA dedicated, goal to which the institution has not responded yet. Future profession is not and can not be knowable in laymans terms. There are individual plans, but there is a joint project of development of the profession. It is thus necessary analyzes, scenarios, forecasts of long-term evolution of the profession, organized by the contribution made by each lawyer interested. Such a project can not be achieved only by and through INPPA under the authority of professional bodies, supported by economists, sociologists, psychologists, specialists in PR, especially with consulting and contribution of all legal professionals who work in the practice of law. One such project is imperative for professional management perspective means vision. We are not in a position to cut the ribbon in front of a rebuilding project that reflects legislative profession. This is still a building red that we are invited to continue, to give him a rendered image creation authentic by our work. However, this building has a simple container prefabricated insulated if not incorporate cultural values and traditions of the legal profession, while innovation. Ambition professional development can only be guaranteed in the long term and prevent the prediction that model. Future project should be based on the assumption that lawyers stand as equals better to stay with the fear that answer for what we do so in front of the current generation, and in front of the next. Competition minds can not be replaced with a crazy race profit. This is no time to hide, sometimes under the toga prophecies concerning the profession is hiding lawyer handling that makes the mind is not free. The times have made that the current body of lawyers have the honor to participate in the biggest reform legislation when there is this profession in Romania through the exercise of our profession to bring change for the better. We have a crucial mission in the history of the profession, which is to discern it through a sieve to give legislative avalanche, so to only what is truly valuable and good for all generations who are the following. Our mission is to make corrections, adjustments where new rules do not work in practice. We must understand the walk does not work in practice. We can look in books, in doctrine and jurisprudence, because many institutions and concepts, it does not yet exist. We are the ones to participate in its formation through an effort of reason and responsibility. This time, unlike legislative reform communist, every lawyer can speak freely, can tell their opinions, work to bring value attorney. Last but not least, to value himself as a person, through professionalism. This implies a huge responsibility but because now, every lawyer has to reach a stage from which to propose models. Internet has given the green light to all, with no filter, and there is a risk tabloidizarii profession. We saw that it is a general trend nowadays due anarchic and uncontrolled way in which information spreads. I mean, by this, that freedom of speech is a great achievement that I had to relearn to put into practice. But assume a greater responsibility to not violate limits so to affect others. Lawyers should consider the good of the nation and that, above all, they are called to participate directly in the administration of justice and the rule of law in this country. We are called to shape, with magistrates and other legal professionals foundations of a new legal doctrine, the new jurisprudence emerged from law reform in recent years. We have the responsibility of the future, of how the company will operate under the new legislation. It is essential that the professional bodies do not act subservient and unprofessional, according to group interests. Can not accept institutional structures of the profession not work. The future of the young generation can not be sacrificed by depriving profession authentic leaders, mentors who cultivate the traditions of Roman law practice, without which sustainability professional culture is affected. Each day in the years ahead Advocate us to answer not only the question What can you do? but rather the question How are you doing? that together with other professionals to get into the situation of permanent inspired mind, without a load, but to have a healthy education based on solid fundamental legal culture, which allow you to be immune to manipulation and intoxication for the profession by lawyers persist authentic brand that meets the professional body of lawyers novel. Avem o misiune crucială în istoria acestei profesii,De avocat aceea de a discerne, de a da prin sită această avalanşă legislativă, astfel încât să rămână numai ceea este cu adevărat valoros şi spre binele tuturor generaţiilor care sunt şi care urmează. Avem misiunea de a aduce corecturi, ajustări acolo unde noile reglementări nu funcţionează în practică Mesajul de Ziua Avocatului: Avocatii trebuie sa se gandeasca si la binele natiunii Ziua avocatului 2014 – Ganduri despre profesie Sarbatorim in acest an la 24 iunie Ziua avocatului . S-au initiat deja manifestari dedicate implinirii a 150 de ani de la aparitia Legii din 6 decembrie 1864 pentru constituirea corpului de advocati, act normativ care a consacrat pentru prima data in Romania organizarea profesiei liberale de avocat in forma sa moderna pe care o cunoastem si azi. Se cinsteste cum se cuvine si implinirea a 10 ani de la infiintarea Institutului National pentru Pregatirea si Perfectionarea Avocatilor (INPPA), institutie care are un rol esential in dezvoltarea si perfectionarea profesiei de avocat in Romania. Se pune in aplicare un nou Proiect de comunicare despre profesie, intre profesionisti, intre profesie si public. Editarea Revistei Avocatul, intr-un format nou, supus permanent actualizarii, reluarea publicarii Buletinului informativ al Consiliului Uniunii Nationale a Barourilor din Romania (UNBR) si al Comisiei Permanente a UNBR, finalizarea Platformei online de comunicare publica a fiecarui avocat privind elementele esentiale ce particularizeaza conditiile prestarii serviciilor sale profesionale, comunicarea zilnica dintre Departamentul de comunicare al UNBR si membrii Consiliului UNBR cu privire la evenimentele ce privesc reflectarea profesiei in spatiul public au devenit realitati ale noului Proiect. In general, exista stradania de a nu se face compromis intre gand si vorba, intre comunicarea publica si fapte! Este un semn ca profesia face eforturi de a se raporta la istoria sa, dar si la prezent, prin promovarea culturii profesiei, adevaratul scop al instituirii Zilei Avocatului. Nu sunt adeptul cliseelor mesajelor ocazionate de Zilele oricarei profesii juridice. In ce priveste profesia de avocat, de regula, raportarea la aceasta se face diferentiat in raport de experienta proprie a fiecaruia: cei care au ales-o pentru a efectua activitati specifice pe baze legale ii prezenta defectele; cei care au ales-o, pentru ca au crezut si cred in ea, ii prezinta calitatile. Si unii si altii le exacerbeaza! Este o realitate ca sunt perioade istorice in care profesia nu a fost iubita! Este de preferat rememorarea colectiva a colectiei de traditii, credinte, valori pe care Corpul profesional al avocatilor le-a cultivat in timp. Astfel s-a traversat si s-a faurit istoria profesiei. Evocarea traditiei in profesia de avocat nu poate fi refuzata sub argumentul desuetului. In profesia de avocat fiecare generatie faureste istoria celei care urmeaza pentru ca avocatura este o profesie care isi conserva identitatea culturala in memoria colectiva, mai ales datorita fortei tacute a mintii libere si creatoare a fiecarui avocat. Avocatura dainuieste totdeauna prin comunitatea de interese a membrilor sai. Desi in numele caracterului liberal al profesiei s-a invocat adesea libertinismul (totul este permis!) cei de buna credinta stiu ca avocatura a rezistat peste vremi pentru ca avocatii au inteles intotdeauna ca nu tot ceea ce este permis este si de folos. Avocatura a dainuit deoarece s-a dovedit, finalmente, ca este matura, iar liderii sai au inteles ca omul intreg, puternic, nu se lasa stapanit de tot ceea ce ii este ingaduit, chiar daca totul ii este permis. Iata de ce investigatia trecutului profesiei dovedeste ca a trebuit sa se discearna in fiecare clipa cand a fost vorba despre constructia normativa a profesiei. Orice institutie noua, implantata artificial intr-un alt mediu decat cel traditional, nu va avea teren fertil pentru dezvoltare. Chiar daca nevoia de adaptare, modernizare, compatibilizare a profesiei este reala, acestea nu se pot face cu ignorarea si sfidarea regulilor. Daca institutional s-ar admite ca revolta faptelor impotriva dreptului trebuie neaparat acceptata in numele progresului, inevitabil impresia generala ar fi ca se satisfac interese temporare sau de grup. Este real ca, in numele trecutului si cu argumentul traditiei, nu se poate actiona pe baza unor mituri si prejudecati. Nu se poate actiona insa nici pe baza unei gandiri deziderative care distorsioneaza realitatea in functie de propriile interese ale decidentilor sau a intereselor de grup. In ultimii 25 de ani profesia s-a aflat intr-o permanenta presiune a timpului, iar viata a confirmat ca optiunea legislativa din 1995, bazata pe ceea ce s-a dovedit a fi durabil in traditiile avocaturii nationale cu adaptarea corespunzatoare la evolutia modelului traditional urmat de avocatura romana (modelul avocaturii franceze), a fost corecta. Imboldul aderarii Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana, nevoia de adaptare din mers la presiunea conexiunii profesiei cu profesiile din alte tari europene a determinat adesea ca faptele sa se revolte impotriva reglementarilor, iar un ghem de interese economice, adesea oculte, sa agreseze profesia de avocat, agresiune intensificata mai ales de preluarea de catre alte profesii a activitatilor traditional rezervate avocatilor. Adaptarea entitatilor profesionale prin preluarea modelelor de organizare si management specifice agentilor economici in general a determinat si determina trecerea de la avocatura personalizata, in care relatia dintre avocat si client garanta calitatea serviciului profesional prestat de avocatul ales, la avocatura standardizata, depersonalizata cu consecinta inlocuirii concurentei profesionale bazata pe competenta cu concurenta dintre departamentele de marketing. Nu se poate inlocui concurenta profesionala dintre avocatii aflati – in viziunea legii in vigoare – in raporturi subiective, intuitu personae cu clientii, cu concurenta dintre specialistii in marketing si nici cu cea a bugetelor afectate promovarii profesionale sau showurilor, specifica avocaturii depersonalizate. Poticnelile reconstructiei institutionale clameaza refuzul unor astfel de modele in profesie si mai ales satisfacerea presiunii insertiei socio-profesionale a licentiatilor in drept, intr-o progresie numerica continua. Profesia si-a castigat dreptul la demnitate si la prestigiul profesional si rezista prin verticalitatea avocatilor adevarati, tot mai greu de mentinut in conditiile unei agresiuni permanente, a violentei care substituie concurenta onesta si a atitudinii avocatului care, de regula, solicita responsabilitati concret asumate. Viata impune cu necesitate concluzia ca domeniul practicii profesiei de avocat reclama modificari de amploare. Realizarea acestora se poate face doar daca exista dorinta reala a avocatilor de a reactiona si de a se adapta la noile conditii impuse de realitatea socio-economica a vremurilor. Este de dorit evitarea expedientelor amatoriste si repunerea in drepturi a valentelor profesionalismului si a valorilor morale care au permis dainuirea in timp a profesiei. O viziune coerenta si realista despre ceea ce avocatii sunt cu adevarat capabili sa construiasca in ceea ce priveste propria lor profesie presupune constientizarea faptului ca fortele schimbarii impun un alt tip de profesionist. Este in pas cu vremea avocatul orientat spre actiune, cu viziuni avangardiste, dar care va putea impune propria experienta ca model doar daca este inteles, de regula la final. Avocatul profesionist trebuie sa inspire mintea si sa nu accepte argumentul altcuiva decat cu prudenta necesara verificarii si intelegerii ratiunii acestor argumente. Traim vremurile in care, de regula, dascalii livreaza doar informatia. Avocatul adevarat este numai acela care o prelucreaza si nu accepta scheme prestabilite, dovedite in timp ca fiind depasite. Improvizatia superficiala in exercitarea serviciului profesional nu isi are locul la scoala lucrului bine facut, temelia avocaturii de viitor. Modelul spre care tindem este avocatul cu o minte permanent libera, critica si independenta. Libertatea de atitudine bazata pe respingerea prejudecatilor impuse de catre cei care elaboreaza si aplica programe de formare si instruire, cultivarea dreptului de a respinge sabloanele, insuflarea capacitatii de gandire proprie si de actiune dupa propriul sau crez profesional, a postulatului potrivit caruia avocatul trebuie sa aduca valoare adaugata modelelor, atunci cand le are, iar cand nu le are, trebuie sa le creeze – au reprezentat parghiile reale prin care Institutul National pentru Pregatirea si Perfectionarea Avocatilor s-a impus si se impune ca fiind creuzetul viitorului avocaturii. Trebuie sa stim ce vrem, unde dorim sa ajungem si prin ce mijloace. Este cert ca avocatul cu adevarat liber este profesionist, nu om de afaceri, cu atat mai mult nu este afacerist! Succesul profesional si cel financiar sunt lucruri diferite. Marea diferenta este aceea ca primul dainuie in timp si asigura si bunastarea financiara, in vreme ce al doilea se clatina la primul hop. Folosirea instrumentelor mercantile pentru a obtine succes financiar degradeaza prestanta robei, care devine o salopeta corporatista. Ati vazut vreodata reclame comerciale pentru ceasuri de lux, care costa zeci de mii de euro, in revistele de pe taraba? Nu, pentru ca aceste firme cu o traditie de munca meticuloasa de mare rafinament nu-si permit sa-si tabloidizeze istoria. Daca ar face asta ar disparea cazand in derizoriu. Aceste firme au rezistat pentru ca au o viziune a viitorului legata de traditie. Avem nevoie de harti ale viitorului. Avem nevoie sa stim cum vrem sa arate profesia noastra in viitor pentru ca de aceasta depinde modul in care va fi valorizata in societate. Dezvoltarea numerica a profesiei, cu orice pret, a erodat increderea. Regenerarea acesteia este de durata si presupune solidaritatea noastra. Profesia de avocat si evolutia ei nu pot constitui obiectul demersurilor prin care se prefera controlul mintii majoritatii pentru a se propune modele de succes opuse unei minti libere, propunand avantaje imediate precum cucerirea unei pozitii in ierarhie sau a pietei serviciilor etc. Totul are un pret si trebuie sa ne gandim la momentul in care il vom plati. Si acest moment este foarte aproape, avand in vedere viteza fara precedent cu care se transforma economia si societatea, imprevizibilitatea si nesiguranta din ce in ce mai accentuate. Le putem depasi doar gandind liber, avand curajul deciziei de a ne departa de haita atunci cand simtim ca se indreapta spre pericol! Pastrarea identitatii profesiei legal organizate in fata presiunilor statale si non-statale si respingerea influentelor care exclud prioritatea crezului profesional in activitatea avocatului este esentiala. In vremurile in care traim, intarirea crezului profesional este primordiala. Toate aceste ganduri le incredintez in special celor dedicati reconstructiei profesionale realizata prin INPPA, deziderat la care institutia nu a raspuns inca. Viitorul profesiei nu este si nu poate fi cognoscibil in termeni obisnuiti. Exista planuri individuale, dar nu exista un proiect comun de dezvoltare a profesiei. De aceea sunt necesare analize, scenarii, prognoze privind evolutia pe termen lung a profesiei, prin aportul organizat adus de fiecare avocat interesat. Un astfel de proiect nu poate fi realizat decat de si prin INPPA, sub autoritatea organelor profesiei, cu sprijinul economistilor, sociologilor, psihologilor, specialistilor in PR, dar mai ales cu consultarea si aportul tuturor profesiilor juridice care isi desfasoara activitatea prin practica dreptului. Un astfel de proiect este imperios necesar pentru ca managementul profesiei inseamna viziune de perspectiva. Nu suntem in situatia sa taiem panglica in fata unui proiect care sa reflecte reconstructia legislativa a profesiei. Aceasta este inca o cladire la rosu pe care suntem invitati s-o continuam, sa-i dam o prestanta, o imagine autentica prin creatia muncii noastre. Insa, aceasta cladire va ramane un simplu container din prefabricate si termopane daca nu incorporeaza valori ale culturii si ale traditiei profesiei de avocat, in acelasi timp cu inovatia. Ambitia dezvoltarii profesionale nu poate fi garantata decat pe termen lung, iar previziunea care modeleaza preintampina. Proiectul viitorului trebuie sa se bazeze pe postulatul ca a sta bine ca avocati este egal cu a sta cu teama ca raspundem pentru ceea ce facem atat in fata actualei generatii, cat si in fata celei care urmeaza. Competitia mintilor nu poate fi inlocuita cu o cursa nebuna dupa profit. Nu e momentul sa ascundem ca, uneori, sub toga profetiilor privind profesia, se ascunde manipularea care face ca mintea avocatului sa nu fie libera. Vremurile au facut ca actualul Corp de avocati sa aiba onoarea sa participe la cea mai mare reforma legislativa de cand exista aceasta profesie in Romania si prin exercitiul profesiei noastre sa aducem schimbarea in bine. Avem o misiune cruciala in istoria acestei profesii, aceea de a discerne, de a da prin sita aceasta avalansa legislativa, astfel incat sa ramana numai ceea este cu adevarat valoros si spre binele tuturor generatiilor care sunt si care urmeaza. Avem misiunea de a aduce corecturi, ajustari acolo unde noile reglementari nu functioneaza in practica. Trebuie sa intelegem din mers de ce nu functioneaza in practica. Nu putem cauta in carti, in doctrina si in jurisprudenta, pentru ca, pentru multe institutii si notiuni, aceasta nu exista inca. Noi suntem cei care trebuie sa participam la formarea ei printr-un efort de ratiune si responsabilitate. De data aceasta, spre deosebire de reforma legislativa comunista, fiecare avocat poate sa se exprime liber, poate sa-si spuna opiniile, sa aduca valoare muncii avocatiale. Nu in ultimul rand, sa se valorizeze pe sine, ca persoana, prin profesionalism. Aceasta implica insa o responsabilitate uriasa deoarece actualmente, orice avocat are la indemana o tribuna de la care sa propuna modele. Internetul a dat unda verde tuturor, fara niciun filtru, si apare riscul tabloidizarii profesiei. Am vazut ca este o tendinta generala a zilelor noastre, datorata modului anarhic si necontrolat in care se raspandeste informatia. Vreau sa spun, prin aceasta, ca libertatea cuvantului este o mare realizare pe care a trebuit sa reinvatam sa o punem in practica. Insa presupune o responsabilitate si mai mare de a nu-i incalca limitele astfel incat sa-i afecteze pe altii. Avocatii trebuie sa se gandeasca si la binele natiunii pentru ca, inainte de toate, ei sunt chemati sa participe direct la infaptuirea justitiei si a statului de drept din aceasta tara. Suntem chemati sa conturam, alaturi de magistrati si de celelalte profesii juridice fundamentele unei noi doctrine juridice, ale noii jurisprudente nascute in urma reformei dreptului din ultimii ani. Avem responsabilitatea viitorului, a modului in care va functiona societatea in baza noii legislatii. Este esential ca organele profesiei sa nu actioneze servil si neprofesionist, in functie de interese de grup. Nu se poate accepta ca structurile institutionale ale profesiei sa nu functioneze. Viitorul generatiei tinere nu poate fi sacrificat prin privarea profesiei de lideri autentici, de mentori care cultiva traditiile avocaturii romane, fara de care perenitatea culturii profesionale este afectata. Fiecare din Zilele Avocatului in anii viitori ne obliga sa raspundem nu numai la intrebarea Ce stii sa faci? ci mai ales la intrebarea Cum faci? pentru ca impreuna cu alti profesionisti sa ajungi in situatia sa ai permanent mintea inspirata, fara sa o incarci, dar sa ai si o educatie sanatoasa, bazata pe o cultura juridica fundamentala solida, care-ti permite sa fii imun la manipulare si intoxicare, pentru ca profesia sa dainuie prin avocati autentici care respecta brandul Corpului profesional al avocatului roman.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 05:05:58 +0000

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