We have an announcement ... Hello Beloved Family and Friends! - TopicsExpress


We have an announcement ... Hello Beloved Family and Friends! We are Chuck and Geri Willis. Most of you know us well and are a part of our direct or extended family. Actually, the “extended family” part pretty much includes everyone whether you happen to know us or not. We are initiating a joint and co-creative venture with others, which may include you, and we are calling in all those who want to co-create with us. Please let us know if that does, in fact, include you by responding to this announcement accordingly. What are we co-creating? We want to co-vision, co-plan and co-create a Center (a metaphysical locus and a corresponding physical location) where we can all come together to realize (make real), embody and celebrate our experience as Grace in common-unity. What does that mean? Let me provide some relevant background information. Here, in brief, is my understanding of the Oneness of Spirit expressed as Holy Trinity along with Its creative process (resulting in Us and in All, as Its sacred Expression): First, there is the aspect of Consciousness or Divine Will, which has been referred to as the “Father” or Divine Masculine Principle. This objective, self-knowing, self-determining Divine Will gives rise to all creation as the aspect of Form or Expression, which has been referred to as the “Son” or Corpus Christi - the Rainbow Body of Christ. But, there is something in between the creative impulse and the creation, Itself. There is the very Essence of Life as Grace, which I call the “Mother” or Divine Feminine Principle and which has also been called Divine Wisdom (Sophia) or Divine Law. This is the pure, receptive medium of innate intelligence that unfailingly allows creation to occur through subjective devotion to Divine Will and that unfailingly serves through the giving of Self into sacred Expression. I contend that This is the central aspect that brings the Holy Trinity into Oneness (out of which It springs), as I will explain further below. Much can be, and has been, said about the three aspects of Spirit as the Holy Trinity. Of primary importance is the essential nature of their Oneness through inter-relationship. Essence without Form remains unexpressed (unrealized) and Form without Essence lacks true meaning. Only in common-union (Inter-relationship) are Form (which is always characterized as having a beginning and an ending) and Essence (which is beyond the time-space continuum) realized in wholeness as (Self) expression. OK, now lets get more directly to the point. Think for a moment about the nature of the creative process, and the “roles” within the Holy Trinity of Oneness (Cause > Medium > Effect). In particular, think back to the “beginning of time” - before any manifest creation, or at least before the “Big Bang”. How could it be that there would exist a Divine Will for which no manifestation existed? And, if we can assume that the existence of a Divine Will must, of necessity, result in a corresponding aspect of creation - the Corpus Christi - then WHAT existed prior to ANY manifestation? What else? The Mother! The endlessly devoted, unconditionally loving, allowing, serving Essence of Oneness, out of which both Divine Will as Consciousness and Its Self Expression in Form must have surely sprang simultaneously! So, before the beginning, Here, Now and forever more IS the Mother of Life - pure Grace, pure perfection. It is She to whom I pledge my endless devotion. She is That which I will forever realize, embody and celebrate! In, through and as Her, I celebrate All that Is - including the Father and the Son. And, So It Is! Geri - bless her sacred heart - is forever with me. Who else, among you, would like to co-create with us? With Endless Love and Blessing to All! Chuck & Geri Willis
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 04:29:40 +0000

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