We know summer heat can be hard on us humans, but it can also - TopicsExpress


We know summer heat can be hard on us humans, but it can also wreak havoc on our horses. Here are a few tips to keep your equine partner cool and healthy during the summer heat. Lead horses to water. Horses can drink over 25 gallons of water on a hot day. Make sure they have plenty of fresh, cool water. A bucket hanging on a fence will get warm, and will no longer be appealing to a horse. Left long enough, the water will also become stagnant and unhealthy. Offer electrolytes. If a horse is sweating a great deal, water laced with electrolytes can help keep its body in balance. Give horses shade. If a horse lives outdoors, or if it must be outside during the day, provide relief from the sun. Horses, especially white horses, can suffer from sunburn. Even those with white socks and blazes, pink noses or even hairless patches from scarring can be susceptible. Using a fly scrim can help. In addition, applying sunblock to small, particularly vulnerable areas can be effective. Staying out of the sun’s harmful rays will, of course, be best.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 20:20:51 +0000

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