We must know our history so we can protect our - TopicsExpress


We must know our history so we can protect our future… Conditions that happened in world wars or any wars seems to always repeat its self… Empire building to the sole hegemonic in charge to a primitive religious believe system… From what is happening now to what has happened at the beginnings of World War Two – When Nazi came to power in Germany and Hitler wanted to expand living space for Germans they did, after Austria-hungry joined Nazi-Germany they targeted Czechoslovakia as Russians are targeting Ukraine - by the integration of Austria, Czechoslovakia was surrounded by Germany by 3 sides of their border. The portion of Czechoslovakia bordering Germany had a huge German population (called the Sudetenland region) constituting a majority of German speaking folks. Czechoslovakia had a trained army but was no match against the Germans army. Without military AID and support from the west. Germany went into “negations” with Czechoslovakia in the end of their negations the Czechoslovakia surrendered to the Germans ultimatum. Czechoslovakia had no choice but to surrender as they would not last long in a fight and that fight would be too costly. Therefore, they surrendered border territories that were populated by Germans. After that was established Hitler took over the rest of Czechoslovakia. Theses have such significant relations to what is going on today with Russia and Ukraine... Russia has allot of investment in Crimea (Ukraine) which has approximately 55% Russian speaking and or natives populating it. Without intervention will Ukraine be Czechoslovakia 1938 and Crimea todays Sudetenland?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 22:02:05 +0000

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