We need to change the system; care work benefits everyone. More - TopicsExpress


We need to change the system; care work benefits everyone. More people are taking time off because they are struggling to juggle their jobs with childcare or caring for elderly relatives, according to a survey out on Monday which will stimulate the debate about working hours and flexible working. More than one in three employers report that absenteeism has increased because workers need time for caring responsibilities, according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and Simplyhealth. However, overall absence levels have dropped by a whole day to 6.6 days a year - 7.9 in the public sector and 5.5 in the private sector - although this is partly because more people are struggling into work while sick. Emily Holzhausen, director of policy at Carers UK, said 3 million people are juggling work with caring for an older or disabled loved one. She estimates this costs businesses £3.5bn a year, with extra costs to the economy and to the families themselves in lost earnings and pensions. ow.ly/CkKZY
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 00:45:14 +0000

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