We received this beautiful note a few days ago from recent Honor - TopicsExpress


We received this beautiful note a few days ago from recent Honor Flight guardian Cindy Schreiner: I was on the June Honor Flight. As a daughter of a Korean War vet (my dad passed away 10 years ago), I was compelled to sign up as a guardian several years ago. I got the call in late May that my turn had come up. I was totally in shock. Of course I had to do it, for my dad and for anyone who would have me for the day. Dick Reul was my veteran for the day. After my training session I could not wait to call Dick; he was also waiting for me. We met for coffee, and as his wife said, we just clicked. From that moment, we bonded. In the end it was not just for the day…but we plan for a lifetime. I was pretty well informed of all the things that would go on during the day, however, I was overwhelmed by the support for the day. Dick said all day he just could not believe how many people gave up their time to welcome him. As it turned out, he had his 82nd birthday with me. I was determined to make his day the best possible, and I was determine to make his day as I know I would have wanted for my dad. For the Stars and Stripes Team, I have said to everyone you are like a well-oiled machine in the execution of the day. We started early and all day long every last detail was planned out and was perfect. I can still hear and feel the song God Bless America as we landed and got ready to come into the concourse for the welcome home party. Dick was tired, but not wanting to take a wheelchair. It was a good thing, because he made his way in and covered both sides of the parade route. It was truly a beautiful moment…we both will never forget. I cannot say enough about the attention that was paid to each and every one of the vets throughout the whole day. For me it is a new-found mission to spread the word, to be sure all of the veterans possible can have the experience and homecoming they deserve. I cannot commend and thank you enough for the wonderful experience for Dick and the other 87 veterans who went, and I was lucky enough to be able to join their party for the day. My heart is full! Thanks again! Thank YOU, Cindy, for giving Dick a great day, and thanks to all of our veterans for their service!
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 18:18:17 +0000

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