We send this message in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus - TopicsExpress


We send this message in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Blessed Controller Genesis 14:22 But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “I have raised my hand to the LORD, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, and have taken an oath In Short: God is the Blessed Controller, Lift our eye in all our ways. Today, I would like to discuss about the way to inherit true blessings both materially and spiritually. God has shown many good examples to lead us in the right path. Many times because of worries, urgency we fail to practice them in our life. Ask God to empower us with His strength to gain victory in all. Listen carefully. Mathew 14:19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. Deu 28:1 says “the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.” This has not only given to Israelites but to us as well. It clearly says “God is the giver.” Many times without having clear understanding we look our friends, seniors, masters instead of looking our Father in Heaven. Look the life of Abraham; when Abraham conquered the enemies on behalf of Lot and the King of Sodom. King came forward to offer great riches but Abraham refused, and said to him, “I have raised my hand to the Lord Most High.” Even though Abraham had the right to claim them, he gave priority to God the Father. Similar thing was occurred with Jesus “Taking the five loves and the two fish and looking up to heaven.” This is the secret of increase. Friends, God promises to bless us according His measure. He himself promised. Don’t look at the hands of men; it never matches God’s measure. I am not saying, not to look man but give priority to God, put your trust upon God. Luke 2:52 says “Jesus grew in the favor of God and Men. See the priority of Jesus (God and men). Lean on Jesus Christ. Prayer: Father, help us to seek your favor. Answer us immediately, before distractions come. We are babes; strengthen us with your power. In Jesus name we pray. Amen…
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 19:37:35 +0000

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