We still need prayer for guidance, direction, and Gods protective - TopicsExpress


We still need prayer for guidance, direction, and Gods protective cover. Please continue to pray & thank you. Someday, I will tell the story of how God walked us through this storm. I can already see where He was working before we even knew it was about to get do rocky. And I so grateful for the number of times He has intervened on our behalf, many times intercepting trouble we never knew anything about. Other times, holding our hands as we walked through each step. One of those examples has been seen over the past 8 months. God has shown up to handle every step of Rustys transition in all areas of his life since his wife left. New job so he could have his girls half the time in the custody arrangement, the change in income & needed changes required to function in that new income, amicable custody arrangements, his house sold in one hour without a realtor (on FB). 8 months ago, we were reeling & everything looked incredibly uncertain in regards to his future & the future of our sweet grand girls. But God showed up at every turn. Praise Him! If you know us well, you know Satan was busy in our family the last couple of years. He caused some trouble - a crazy amount of it. Strained several key relationships. I have said often that 2012-2013 were not good years in our family. My heart was broken a large amount of that. But God has been busy over the past months. He has removed from us the sources of most all the friction and has been very busy restoring most every one of those strained relationship. Further proof that ultimately He calms every single storm in time & we can always rely on Him. He is the maker of miracles & can do what seems impossible to every one around us. Thank you for your prayers. Pray for strength. This crisis will involve a great deal of healing in the heart of someone so precious to me I cannot even express the depth if it. But the good news is.......We just happen to know The Great Physician.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 12:13:52 +0000

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