We store old equipment and surplus materials here. I still dont - TopicsExpress


We store old equipment and surplus materials here. I still dont know how I missed seeing these cars, but I did. We approached two large shrouded objects and we carefully removed the cover from the first. As the car gradually took shape before me, I couldnt help a low whistle. A black car with medium blue panels was revealed. This is something special, sir. Its a Bugatti. Pre-war. Not the Atlantic, but likely something quite rare. Well need an expert opinion to check out its history. This really is amazing to find something like this in our little corner of the world. Really! How on earth did my father come to possess something like this? It was a rhetorical question. I couldnt imagine how. It was time to unveil the second car. Once again, I was dumbfounded by what was revealed. I had never seen one outside of the Pebble Beach Concours. It was a Mercedes Benz 540K, I was pretty sure. The cabriolet version, with a white body and black fenders and top. The windows were down, allowing me to look inside. Look at the dashboard plaque, Mr. Beeson. On the right hand side. I backed off to let him see what I saw. Is that a swastika? Yes sir, thats exactly what it is. The man seemed quite stunned by the revelations of the two automobiles. We stood there in silence, just looking at the two pieces of automotive history. Both European, both pre-war, and both seemingly in excellent condition. I walked back to the Mercedes. With a bit of probing, I found the hood latches and opened it. It was as pristine inside as it was outside. I didnt open the battery box, but with the disconnected leads, I was sure the battery would have been removed. There was no point in seeing if it would start after all this time. This is absolutely amazing. I cant figure out how two such important cars would just be stored here without anyone saying anything. Beeson was nodding in agreement. What do you suggest, Mr. Keating? This is out of my league, Mr. Beeson. You need an expert. Someone with DuPont credentials. I think you have a million dollar find on your hands. Im also wondering ... when was this building built? In 1946, if I remember correctly. I was virtually a newborn then. It was my fathers first business venture after he returned from overseas. What service was you father in? The army ... he was an officer in the quartermaster corps. Fairly high up, if I remember rightly. He was right near the front lines all the way into Germany. Why do you ask? These are pre-war cars. Im guessing they were liberated by our troops as the war neared its end. It may be that it wasnt via completely legitimate army procedure. Thats just a guess. I wouldnt put it past the old bugger, he said with a shake of his head and a rueful laugh. He collected quite a few souvenirs in his time. I still have most of them. It must have been quite a challenge to get these two machines from there to here, though. I think thats the understatement of the year, sir. Do you think you can do anything with them? I wouldnt dare. They are too valuable in their original condition. Again, an expert opinion would be the way to go. I can tell you that cars of this nature in their original paint and equipment, unrestored, carry the highest value. Just looking at these two, they are candidates for that class. One thing I would ask, though. I would like to be here when the evaluation is done. It would be a fantastic learning experience for me. One I couldnt otherwise hope to get. Thats a completely reasonable request. But, if I may impose on you further. Would you please give me the names of two people you would trust to make that evaluation? I wouldnt know where to start. Of course. One thing, though. I think we should keep this find to ourselves. This isnt a secure location, and Id hate for these cars to be stolen before we can get them authenticated and insured. Excellent. No one need know except you and I. I nodded. I was excited about being involved in the process of validating these amazing finds. I hoped to learn a great deal if the opportunity was there. Thursday, December 3rd, 9:10am Good morning, Mr. Beeson, its Val Keating calling. Yes, Mr. Keating. Have you found what you were looking for? Yes sir. I spoke with a gentleman in Hartford, Connecticut this morning. His credentials are top rate. When I gave him a brief outline of what we had found, I believe he was packing his bags and ordering an airline ticket before we were finished talking. Hell be here tomorrow morning and Ive arranged to have him come here first. Will nine oclock be okay with you? Yes, Im an early riser anyway. Ill meet you at your office, and thank you for handling this so quickly, Mr. Keating. Youre welcome sir. Ill see you tomorrow morning at nine. What was that all about, Doreen asked as I hung up. A little business with Warren Beeson II. I cant talk about it right now, but it is very interesting, and I may be tied up tomorrow for much of the day. Is there anything that you and I need to cover if that happens? No. That was Warrens father? she asked, clearly curious. Yeah. Unlike his son, he is a gentleman. I have no problem with him. She nodded, I agree. I never had a problem with Senior. He was old-school, but always polite and friendly ~ coaster2 ©
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 00:18:37 +0000

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