We were stuck in this house we rented with an old dog fighting pit - TopicsExpress


We were stuck in this house we rented with an old dog fighting pit in the basement from June 7th of this year until 4 days ago. This is in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada. The owner is VIJAY SINGLA, and the address is 346 Penticton Avenue, Penticton, British Columbia, Canada, V2A2M3. We did not know what it was until several weeks after we moved in, by which time we could not afford to move elsewhere. My attached video has all the details. I decided the best thing to do was to make the rest of the basement into something really positive. That is why I put together my workshop, to honour the hundreds? of animals that died so horribly down there by being creative instead of destructive. My estimate of the time I spent over 6 months if I was earning a modest $15 an hour is well over $27000. I was down there 7 days a week, until late each night, when I would feel the hairs stand up on the back of my neck, and be creeped right out. That is when I would drop whatever I was doing, do no cleanup and without even turning out the lights, hightail it up the stairs, all the while looking over my shoulder, like a little kid afraid of the dark. Regardless of my PTSD, I felt like a little kid, afraid of the dark. It was no way to live, but we came here to get help for my PTSD, so I just had to walk through this crap. It was a well known house of prostitution too as I discovered while levelling out the back yard and finding all sorts of evidence of that too. It was also a very unhealthy house because my wife and I have been sick for months. The gas furnace exhaust goes right into the basement and there is what I was told, a hell of a lot of black mold. My wife has had flu symptoms for the last 6 months, the only time I have seen her like this in the 20 years I have known her. She also has what appears to be extreme allergies. I have had numbness and tingling in my hands and feet for months. When we first arrived in Penticton we were perfectly healthy. We basically evacuated from VIJAY SINGLA`S house 4 days ago and I am becoming more angry with her by the minute. I have a lot more information on this situation, plus more video footage. If anyone is considering renting or buying a home in the Okanagan you will certainly hear of Vijay Singla and her husband Paul. Vijay is with Sutton Realty in Penticton, and Paul Singla owns one of the largest construction companies here. The couple own rental units throughout the Okanagan, and in Penticton alone they own 23% of these properties. These people are criminals and they even pay people to monitor and control all info about them. In the 6 months we lived in Vijay`s house she stole money from us, we had to pay to fix the stove 3 times, and had plumbers in 6 times. This includes 6 days without water when it was minus 12 outside, and flooding in the basement. We could not turn on the heat either because the gas exhausts into the basement, and 6 of our windows upstairs had ice on the inside. In the time we lived there Vijay never paid a single penny towards any of this. Anyway, please check out my video on the dog fighting pit in the basement. Last, but not least, I may not have been able to avoid going through this, but I can certainly let others become aware of what went on, so they do not have to experience this garbage.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 09:21:28 +0000

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