We would like to thank you all for your continued prayers and - TopicsExpress


We would like to thank you all for your continued prayers and support for our family. As we continue to celebrate the news of a match for our precious Katie Star, we also know that we are about to begin the most difficult part of her journey. Exactly two weeks from today, on March 26th, Katie will be readmitted to Sick Kids Hospital. That day will begin the countdown (Day -7) to her Bone Marrow Transplant. This phase is called Conditioning, which will include very high doses of chemo and full body radiation (TBI). Counting down from Day -7 through to Day -1, her bone marrow will be completely destroyed, leaving her body ready to receive the donated bone marrow. On Wednesday April 2nd, our little girl will receive her Bone Marrow Transplant. This day is called Day 0, and will forever be counted as her second Birthday. This day is her chance for survival, a new start on life, and will be just as celebrated in our hearts as April 16th; the day she was born. Over the next 4-6 weeks she will be at extreme risk of infections and complications, as we wait for the new marrow to start working (Graft). There will be many difficult days and weeks ahead for Katie, and we ask for your continued prayers and thoughts of hope to help her through these challenging times. We continue to believe that she will win this battle and over the next two weeks we will continue to enjoy every moment that we have as a family, before Katie is placed in isolation. We have included a very general but informative link below, if you should wish to find out more information on Bone Marrow Transplant. Thank you again, for your continued support and please keep Katie Star and our family in your prayers. xoxo aboutkidshealth.ca/en/resourcecentres/BloodandMarrowTransplant/Pages/default.aspx Sent from my iPhone
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 10:38:23 +0000

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