Wednesday, November 27, 2013 during a city council meeting - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, November 27, 2013 during a city council meeting Commissioner Steve Novick suggested that I was in the employ of the Koch Brothers. To understand how this was such a cheap shot by this sell-out, one has to know two things one, who the Koch Brothers are and two, who Joe Walsh is and what his long journey for “Justice” looks like. First, to the Brothers of Corruption. Not only would I never be associated with these monsters of industry, I believe if they were not so rich and powerful they would be in federal prison. For Brutus, AKA Comm. Novick to suggest that I am in the influence of these two political manipulators stems from his annoyance of our objection concerning agenda item #1127 which was introduced by him under the secret blanket of the consent agenda. The consent agenda is a group of proposals that are routine and do not need any discussion; so says the council. We, as the people who will be affected by this action, can do a parliamentary move and request that any item in the consent agenda be pulled out for discussion. We did that on this item because the council once again was going to rubber stamp a request to give a position of Asst. Director about a $50,000.00 per year raise. Here is what the request says: Financial Impact “There is no direct cost to create the new classification. One fulltime regular position will be reclassified from an Assistant to the Bureau Director with a maximum rate of $103,355 to the new classification which has a maximum rate of $151, 798-an annual increase of $48,443.” Brutus, AKA Commissioner Novick, is defending giving the person who fills this position a $48,443 raise using your money. I think when he was looking in the mirror he saw the Koch brothers in the background and decided to use them to counter our objection to this terrible misuse of government funds. I think the Koch Brother would be on Brutus’ side and not ours; we wanted the rubber stamp gang of five to stop this but even Commissioner Fritz went with the four suits, it was disgraceful. We raised our objections to this waste of your money, will you at least call the mayor’s office and register your views on this pay raise. I remember the union going before the council and trying to break an impasse and believe me they were not asking for a $48,443 raise. Mayor’s phone number 503-823-4120 My background, the short version: In 1970 I was in the Navy and stationed at the Naval Amphibian Base in Coronado. After 8 years in the Navy I filed as a Conscientious Objector against the war in Vietnam; The Navy was not happy. After going to college and receiving a BA, I went to work at Long Beach Naval Shipyard as a Boilermaker. I ended up becoming a utility dispatcher which included switching electrical equipment. I was covered by the IBEW and became a local Vice President and Chief Union steward. About 4 years before retirement I finally accepted an offer to go into management and became a supervisor. I always acted in some capacity to help people. Since coming to Portland I have worked to make life a little better and speak up for people who do not have a voice in this city. So, for politicians to connect me and the Koch brothers in the same sentence are hurtful and will not go without me yelling from the high heavens. So, Commissioner Novick is back being called Brutus, who was the last person to stab Caesar, and the famous legendary line, “Et tu Brute.” There was no meeting of the County Board because of Thanksgiving. This is a tough holiday for me; I have wonderful memories of our family getting together but am very aware what this time means to the “People.” Most of my friends are vegetarians and will not eat meat; most of my friends also struggle with this day of thanks at the expense of millions of the people who were massacred at the hands of the white settlers and occupiers. The state of Israel has learned much from our way of life and genocide is on the top of the lesson plan. I need a positive story and I have many but let me offer these. I hope it puts a smile on your face; sometimes it is hard to remember how wonderful we can be: huffingtonpost/2013/11/28/top-10-thankful-stories_n_4346605.html?utm_hp_ref=good-news Friday, November 29 was a day to remember; we tried to be good and I think we succeeded in a small way. Roberto, Patty and I joined with Jose and friends at Chapman for our first meeting of people who need things and things that are lonely. We spent about 90 minutes and had a great time and the word is getting out that we will try with all our might to keep this up during the cold periods. If you want to help let us know or just stop by Chapman and have a cup of coffee with us. (Rumor has it you can get anything out of me if you give me cup of Jo.) Roberto and I went to the Hawthorne Bridge for about an hour to protest wars, NSA, and the teachers having a hard time with reasonable negotiations. We love being on the bridge and most of the regulars who pass us on Fridays are friendly. Saturday was a strange day. We decided to go and hang out with the rich people from the Pearl. We also would do some kind of action in the face of the people who were gathered for a sing along about a homeless man who wandered around a place called Jerusalem about 2000 years ago. We had a die-in and there will be some great pictures, but my face is covered, as I volunteered to be a covered corpse. This was a first for me, not only did I have to keep my mouth shut, (Novick & Hales would love that news) but I had to remain still. I was a dead head—ha! From all the reports it went well and to add to our joy, we had a bad Santa in the Pearl. There was this guy dressed in a Santa suit who told us to be quiet, and when the answer came back in laughter he said he called the cops. There was a young child who saw and heard the Santa telling us he called the cops and the child asked the question of the day, “Mom, why is Santa calling the cops on the homeless people?” It was a precious moment. The police did not come into to the park and all went peaceful and merry, a bad Santa in the Pearl, “fancy that.” Sunday will be a day of rest, I am tired and must rest up after my death, (make believe death.) I know I left some stuff out, but that is just me and this is now very long. The coming weeks are just as busy for us. Into the streets!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 17:21:03 +0000

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