Well I figured some of you might just want to know how the Timber - TopicsExpress


Well I figured some of you might just want to know how the Timber Wolves got their start. It was right after War Dog graduated from being an ARC Trooper heres how it almost didnt happen. Timber Wolf Squad by Mark Stise Rex waited in the landing bay as the NU class shuttle landed, a few bridge officers disembarked as well as a few Troopers. But there was one clone Rex was interested in seeing. War Dog stepped off the shuttle wearing his new armor, the landing bay looked busy as always with flight crews and mechanics working on the Resolute’s LAAT, Star Fighters, Bombers and Shuttles. War Dog was more impressed by what he saw in front of him, it was the Old Man himself. His battalion CO was hard to miss with those Jaig Eyes marking his helmet. Only clones that demonstrated acts of extreme heroism, honor and bravery could ever earned them. It was one of the reasons the Republics newest ARC respected his CO so much. War Dog snapped to attention and saluted his commanding officer. “Sir ARC Trooper War Dog requesting permission to come aboard.” Rex smiled inwardly as he returned the salute, just from the way the trooper presented himself showed he was more disciplined. “Welcome home War Dog, permission to come aboard granted.” “Thank you sir.” Rex turned as the two clones walked out of the hanger area. The Resolute’s senior clone was pleased by all the reports he was given on War Dog’s progress. “I understand your first few missions with ARC Lieutenant Fives went very well.” War Dog took the complement, after all he never thought anyone could surprise him after the training he received on Kamino under Sergeant Titus. But is Field Instructor Lieutenant Fives that was another case all together. “Thank you sir, the Lieutenant is a great instructor. He’s just a little…” “A little what, ARC Trooper?” Rex asked with a smile, he wasn’t mad but he did want his Trooper’s impression of his friend. ‘Geez when am I going to learn to stop sticking my foot in my mouth’ War Dog thought to himself. Insulting Rex was the last thing he wanted to do. He had first met Fives on Umbarba when War Dog was just a Shiny. “Fives is just a little…..” War Dog thought quickly “Unorthodox sir. Don’t get me wrong; Fives is a great field instructor captain. He’s just…” The clone paused trying not to put his foot back in his mouth. “Thinks outside the box?” Rex said as if offering his Trooper a way to save face. “Yes sir, very much so.” War Dog recalled some of his first missions and how Fives would do seemingly the unexpected. “Sometimes it’s just hard to know what he’ll do next.” Rex chuckled “He does indeed.” Fives was spontaneous and always one to think outside the box. But War Dog had a similar trait, while in ARC training he saving he life of one of his brothers who fell 20 feet and broke his leg. War Dog jumped in without a moment of hesitation and protected his brother from a squad of Super Battle Droids. War Dog paused for a moment and turned to face Rex “Sir.” He said seriously “I know I haven’t been the best clone aboard ship. Getting into fights in the mess hall and the cantina. I promise you hear and now that from now on I will be a model Trooper. NO MORE FIGHTS, I SWEAR.” Rex saw that same steely-eyed look on War Dog’s face. It was the same look he had back when he asked Rex for a transfer to the 501st so he could learn to be a better soldier. “That’s very good to hear War Dog.” Rex was pleased “And I also understand that Commander Cody has given you a command your own. A squad of Troopers and you be called the Timber Wolves.” As Rex began walking War Dog hesitated. “Umm….sir…. about that. You know the Commander very well; perhaps you can speak to him for me. I’m not command material sir.” War Dog hurried to catch up with his CO again. “Non sense, Cody is a great judge of character. If he says your ready for a command, then you’re ready.” Rex hardly gave it another thought. “Captain, sir, with all do respect, the Commander made a mistake. I’m no C.C. I’m just a soldier, I’m no leader.” War Dog attempted to plea his case to Rex. “My designation is CT just like you War Dog, I’m not C.C. either. Now I’m assigning Sergeant Major Bull to assist you.” Rex began. “The Sergeant Major!” War Dog said with surprise, on board the entire ship there wasn’t a Trooper who dared to get on Bull’s bad side. War Dog let out an almost defeated sigh. Fine.. I’ll have the Sergeant Major pick the applicants.” “No… You pick them; the Sergeant Major will be there to offer suggestions. But ultimately the decision will be yours.” Rex interjected in more of a forceful tone. “Sir…. You don’t understand, if you could just speak to the commander for me.” War Dog attempted to redirect the topic back to Rex helping him get out of any kind of command. “The decision has been made War Dog, what is your problem?” Rex tone was now getting angry. “I don’t have a problem sir, if I could just get you to talk with Commander Cody. I’m just..” War Dog began fumbling over his words. “Just what ARC Trooper?!” Rex snapped “Scared OK!” War Dog’s eyes were wide he had just sounded off to his CO. “Look, I’m no leader, I’m just a Trooper. I’m can’t do this Captain. I’m…. not you.” War Dog motioned with his arms toward Rex as if trying to explain the difference between the both of them. “Your you..” In the entire galaxy how could anyone especially the likes of Cody and Rex possibly think he was some sort of leader? “Then be you.” Rex said softly. “Sir” War Dog sighed again. “I don’t mind putting my life in danger, I have no problem with it. But how can I lead men when the decisions I make might get them killed. What if I make the wrong choice, I’m not you. You always know what to do.” War Dog attempted to explain. Rex sighed and looked at the ARC. “Walk with me War Dog.” To date War Dog’s decisions he made to this point have shown men like Rex, Cody and Fives the clone had the madding of a natural leader. Rex looked at the ARC Trooper “It’s been my experience that there are two types of leaders in this war. There are those who will get the mission done at any cost regardless of the lives that are lost. And there are those that get the mission done with the least number of lives lost. Based on what you just said, you’re definitely the latter.” “But sir, I’ve often heard you say the mission comes first.” War Dog interjected. “That right.” “But how do I get my mission done if it costs me the men under my command?” War Dog looked at Rex hopeful he had some answer to his greatest fear. Rex began to explain, “Ever since you transferred to the 501st I’ve seen you never give up on a fight. When your ammo on your DC 15 went dry you used your rifle as a club. If it broke you used your fists.” Rex smiled “You never hesitated and you adapt quickly to a situation.” War Dog thought about what his CO had to say but he still had that one important question he needed to ask. “Sir, when I lose men. How do I deal with that? I mean, how do you keep from letting it get to you?” “You don’t.” Rex said “That’s what separates you from the leader who will waste the lives of his men.” Rex and War Dog both looked as Sergeant Major Bull walked around a nearby corridor and approached them. The veteran clone snapped Rex a salute. “You wanted to see me sir?” War Dog put his helmet on “Well I have a lot of performance reviews to look over. Well that be all sir?” He said looking at Rex. “Carry on ARC Trooper.” Rex said as War Dog saluted him and walked off. Bull stood behind his CO as the two watched walked walk off. The Sergeant Major cleared his throat “With permission sir, I like to say. I wouldn’t mind snapping that clone a salute.” Rex stared at War Dog as he talked to Bull. “Go with him Sergeant Major, help him. He’s ready, he just doesn’t know it yet.” The End. Joanne BeckWicker Man Rachel LeeRuth WatsonSteve WelnickeJames AntoineErin Gaffney
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:31:30 +0000

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