Well… I promised I’d write a post on facebook. So, here it - TopicsExpress


Well… I promised I’d write a post on facebook. So, here it is. Yes, I’ve been drinking the pink stuff every day. Is it working? I don’t know. I’m starting to think maybe so, but don’t want to admit that to Susan. I weighed Saturday… (I’d weigh more often, but somewhere in our past, scales were deemed to be evil, and were banished from our house! So, if I want to weigh, I have to find someplace that has a scale.) Our dog was sick, so we carried him to the vet, and they had a big digital scale. So, I weigh 253 now. That’s 11 pounds down from when I went to the doctor the other day. I’ve been drinking pink ( oops… sorry. I forgot about the food coloring ), I mean blue… drinking blue for just over 2 weeks now. So, 11 pounds in 2+ weeks. Not super, but not bad either. As far as dieting, I’ve generally been good. I haven’t been pigging out on anything (except maybe one bag of Chex mix this weekend… Yes, I ate the whole bag… but we were travelling, and I forgot my plexus that morning, and I promise I regretted it later). But I feel pretty good, and I haven’t spent every minute wondering when I was gonna eat again. It really does seem to keep me from being as hungry. So, maybe there’s something to it… Susan says I’m not quite as grouchy when she wakes me to go walking in the morning. I’m not grouchy, besides, how could she tell? She’s got enough happy in the morning for the whole neighborhood. So, I’m cautiously optimistic… or hopeful, anyway. Now then. I posted…
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 03:26:57 +0000

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