Well I would just like to thank everyone and say it has been great - TopicsExpress


Well I would just like to thank everyone and say it has been great sharing my photos with you all from this past year. 8 months of which was spent with JKD Harvesting, a fantastic experience working for Jim & DeAnn Deibert on the Harvest run. The support from them, the rest of the crew, customers and friends has been amazing, its been a real pleasure. Im looking forward to the year ahead, I have big plans, Im going to be busy working full time farming but I will do what I can to get out with the camera and I have some machinery already lined up to photograph. I have plans to get to LAMMA, Shropshire show, Grassland event, Cereals, Newport Show, Onslow Park steam rally, a good amount of local YFC events and much more. I am also looking to try and get to Agritechnica later in the year and I am hoping to squeeze a week of 2 in New Zealand at a large contracting firm and possibly a week in USA visiting familiar faces. Nothing booked as of yet but its what Im aiming to do after harvest in the uk is done with. But for now I wish you all a Happy New Year Jordan
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 22:50:30 +0000

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