Well Ive been laying low on here and my phone so I thought Id - TopicsExpress


Well Ive been laying low on here and my phone so I thought Id answer a few questions for the peeps that are wondering when I get back Dallas, if I left Canada, what am I doing before I leave, when I get back etc.... Well lets see.... been jacked around by #speedyglass for 3 days (wrong glass, new glass never came in (drove 50km each way), its on the truck, not sure if its the right glass, come in today/tomorrow, not sure why it didnt come in... blablabla.) F speedy glass on Gladstone in the neck... The manager did his best, but with incompetent employees its hard to soar like an eagle when youre surrounded by a bunch of turkeys #goodluckwiththat #hardlyspeedy #seeyouonyelp With almost $1k total lost including the window it may be insurance time which is a whole new chapter. Ill save ya the deets on that... Ottawa be on the look out for my one of a kind #hoodie #roadboneclothing #keepwarmyoupieceofshit Next: My grandmother isnt doing so well but resting peacefully at the moment and stable since her condition took a downward turn at the home last Saturday night. Our thoughts are positive and her sister at 98 is doing great, so we are tough. 2015 was rung in sober with Mum and Dad at their friends home and it was great. I actually drove THEM home ;) #shockedmum My Home has new challenges coming as well. Most recent is little Oskar needing surgery or an amputation as it was suggested, since ligament reattachment is a very specialized surgery for such a little guy. (If he lives through the anesthesia) He somehow got his shoulder dislocated (before I left) and only very small muscles are holding the leg on and needs to be taken at the shoulder. $2k either way there... Im not one for NY resolutions for everyday is a new day to start over with a new attitude. This isnt a poor me post (Ive seen too many and its only Jan 2nd) or a pity party for comments/likes/prayers. Im just letting everyone know on here since Ive pretty much shut my data down and wifi is horrible out in the sticks. #bellcanada (Im calling you next) Thank you all for the NYE texts, messages and tags. Miss my D-Town but every year it gets harder and harder for me to leave the Fam here. Cherish those around you...no matter the time of year, day or night....no matter how many legs they may ....or may not have. See you soon Texas! All the best from us to you #2015
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 19:41:47 +0000

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