Well, after all the cons and a couple of pros, I decided to go see - TopicsExpress


Well, after all the cons and a couple of pros, I decided to go see Noah for myself after all. The theater was packed. Both Landen Humphrey III and Landen Humphrey Jr. went with me. We watched in total silence along with everyone else in the room. I was fully prepared to hate this movie, but also prepared to watch objectively. There was much to love in the visuals. I had no problem at all with the fact they didnt say God since they talked about The Creator in every conversation. Fox News had played it as if it was an environmental movie with the devastation of the planet all being because of the greed of men. I saw that but it was such a minor portion of the plot, I had to just excuse it as unimportant. It actually kind of made the story play better. The movie showed the real cause of The Creators wrath was the violence. That is Biblical to the letter. Also, I loved the way they showed the animals gathering into the ark. The whole rock people thing was a typical Hollywood play. But I didnt consider it as horrible as I had expected. They showed from the start that these were fallen angels who had taken it on themselves to become too involved in the affairs of men. They transgressed against The Creator in that respect and were punished by being locked into these rock bodies. Well that was pretty far fetched, but the people referred to them as rock giants. The Bible speaks of giants in Genesis in the very verses that lead into the Noah story, but somehow I think only Hollywood would envision them as rocks! I did love the way Noah told the story of creation and showed the formation of the Universe and the Earth, Sun and Moon. Since I teach Earth-Space Science, that is pretty much exactly the way I see creation as happening, solely by the power in the voice of God. Other portions of the story that were not according to the Biblical reference were the ages of Noahs children. They were actually triplets, born the same year and they were 100 years old when the flood came and they had wives but no children at the time. Considering the ages listed in Genesis, I personally dont believe there were children destroyed in the flood. Also, they showed the Nemesis, Jubalcain as sneaking onto the ark. That didnt happen. According to Genesis, Noah didnt have to fight off the people to keep them out of the ark. When all the animals went in, Noah and his family went in and God closed the door. It was 7 days before the rain started and then it was too late. Noah, his wife, the three sons and their wives were inside and no one else was saved. The whole baby thing in the movie was a very touching scene, but totally not according to Genesis. What it did show was that even someone who is chosen by God for his dedication and devotion still has to repent of his sin of arrogance and let God determine the right way. Overall, if you go into the theater expecting exact Biblical scripture, you will be upset. But if you are open minded and look to be told a wonderful story in a beautifully visual way, you will be surprised by how much scripture is really there. Of the millions of people who see this movie, if one person who never read the Bible decides to read this for themselves, it was worth every Hollywood transgression in the storyline.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 03:22:49 +0000

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