Well for the latest installment from the Religion of Peace A - TopicsExpress


Well for the latest installment from the Religion of Peace A Taliban suicide squad killed at least 130 people in an attack on a Pakistani army-run school in Peshawar on Tuesday, including as many as 100 children. One report says these loving religious people lit a teacher on fire and made the children watch. Isnt it interesting that liberals in this country tip toe around and avoid calling these acts of terror, coddling muslims by giving them a place to say their prayers and building foot baths in universities. All the while bashing Christians and doing their level best to eliminate God from every school, city hall and facet of public life. This is just another example of liberal hypocrisy. Then Idiot Dianne Feinstein dredges up the CIA enhanced interrogation program that was sanctioned by the U.S. Government on the heels of the 911 attacks just to try to tell the world how horrible we are as a nation and to bite the CIA in the ass for her own foolish idiotic motives. Well Im crying a river that we used these techniques to gain information from the enemy combatants who were caught out of uniform on the field of battle after we were attacked. These islamic murderers had better get on their knees and thank their heathen god every friggin day that I wasnt running the interrogations. That these democrats drag out something that was done 10 years ago to protect this country from further attack is unconscionable. They needlessly put us at risk...further increased risk in these dangerous times! With the head of the CIA telling us he can guarantee we will see in the United States, the sort of lone wolf attacks that happened yesterday in Sidney or god forbid of the kind in Pakistan, we should hold these reckless, irresponsible liberal politicians and Feinstein in particular, directly responsible for any islamic violence that happens as a result. What the hell is wrong with these people? What side are these creeps on? They care more about the enemy than the safety our own people. Who in their right mind votes for a democrat? These self serving elitist liberal power mad creeps.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 16:11:01 +0000

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