Well here is my story.. AMBER KERSTEN I was diagnosed with - TopicsExpress


Well here is my story.. AMBER KERSTEN I was diagnosed with PCOS 3 years ago after trying to conceive and getting off of birth control. I started gaining weight like crazy, my acne came back full force, and my monthly cycle was never normal. After trying for almost a year and no pregnancy, I went to the doctor where I found out about PCOS (I had never even heard of it before!) Turns out that this was the cause of the weight gain,the acne, and of course my infertility. The only thing that was keeping it under control was being on birth control. I was told I needed to lose weight, take vitamins, and if that didnt help I would need fertility treatments. It was the motivation that I needed to change my ways so I tried diet pills, atkins, working out, and no matter how much work I put into it nothing changed..my weight was steadily going up and I had no idea what to do. I felt completely helpless. I developed an eating disorder (Bulimia) I had the mind set that the weight was going to pile on anyway so I might as well eat what I want, but after I ate I would hate myself so much that I would purge everything I just ate. This went on for a few years until my husband found out and talked some sense into me, but my weight was still going up and despite advice from other moms I could still not concieve. Thanksgiving I stepped on the scale where the number 300.6 lit up, since my first trip to the doctor I had gained 120 lbs. I was absolutely shocked, I avoided scales because I knew how bad my weight was but never in my life did I think it would be so high. At 21 years old I was obese and depressed. My friend started selling Zeal, invited me to a party and I won a goody bag with enough for a week. I felt a change within the first two days; I was not hungry, I had more energy, my constant migraine headaches are GONE. I went back and got more samples because I just could not believe how much better I felt. I would go to the parties just for the samples of Zeal, I had to have it. I started zeal about a month ago, I have gone from a size 24 to a size 17, I have lost 31lbs and the best part is I OVULATE!!! I have not ovulated for almost three years and after using Zeal for a month all of that changed. I absolutely love this product, I cant explain how much it has helped me in every aspect of my life (my husband even takes it to sleep better and his allergies) No I am not pregnant yet, but for someone with only a 90% chance to ever have a child ovulating is a HUGE step in the right direction. For now I am enjoying losing weight and feeling amazing. I wake up every day with hope now, I dont drag myself out of bed but I jump up and go make my Zeal. The reason I am so passionate is because I was dying, I had nothing to look forward too,I always felt terrible, BUT Zeal has given me my life back.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 15:11:05 +0000

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