Well, in other news....I have ask Deric something I think I am - TopicsExpress


Well, in other news....I have ask Deric something I think I am good for, most of you kow me and you know what my divorce isnt good for, however Deric has been known to be affiliated with IFG, and for this to be sorts a important that means to us, I am picking the wrong man! I asked him are we clashing because we come from different cultures, he comes from a gang culture and I come from Black culture, I am not getting his attention and I guess when the chemistry is good its because both parties are willing in this attitude he had that he needed money? I said self, well your not in a position to help him but I was staying at my husbands and his girlfriend or homegirl whatever she is Mercine, and than his daughter need to be bailed out, I gave in again, now he isnt himself and right ow child support and personal issues are that consuming that he cant return my call. For one, during this divorce my children and I have made an agreement that I dont see anyone so that they dont have to hear that mommies attitudes are about another man and threats that I think they should have a step-father, he is or i should say has gotten back in with his old gang crew, now contrary to belief some of society thinks we as people dont grow out of childish things, some people make excuses why they gang bang at all, and forget what the nature of gang banging means to other people, i which wining and dining or doing other things every now and than that I enjoy, not yall interesting people, but I enjoy jazz concerts, plays, and conferences, but really some people think I am molding a society some people think I am being myself and just wondering who we all am together to this one similarity : Music! But he hasnt called me but to tell me he would make payment arrangements and I have not just text him or called him to ask when am I getting my money back. And technically, I cant say he isnt seeing someone else, but I dont like to Hook up that I do do, a relation subject to last 4 to 6 months since I been going through a divorce and some friends 6 months to 2 years, I feel I have gotten back in this dating scene and cant help that I do still attract men, to spite my husband telling me no man would ever want me. But I do have my children to consider and I am not as experience with dating as I use to be now that I have been married, feel Meme! Now, Im staying in Lomita and not going back and forth with this homeless stuff and disrespectful conspiracy of murder but I guess thats what he is hoping will go away, see I didt know that, I have been waiting for this divorce to get an increase on my income, get through this semester and use my degree in film. But we go to court November 12, and the nature of the radio show is based on survival of divorce not how to get married and if i am a good wife compared to The Intimacy Coach, but as usual the behind the scenes on Deric and I is what the blog is good for, questions? Black culture or Gang Culture, do you know what your man expects from you or what you are good for to him?
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 08:35:53 +0000

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