Well, it has certainly been an interesting evening. Mom and I are - TopicsExpress


Well, it has certainly been an interesting evening. Mom and I are now once again in possession of our rental century house. I cant express how disappointed I am to receive our house back in such an awful condition. The hours that I have spent on painting, renovations, cleaning and repairing this house to make it a nice place for people to live, never seems to matter to renters. Do some people have no respect for others property or themselves that they can live in such filth? Do they not realize that someone put up blinds and curtains with care and felt proud of the house they have to rent out? Unfortunately, I believe this is a statement about people in general. To have no pride in the place you live is sad.To have no desire to live in a clean, healthy environment is sad. To smoke in a bathroom with the fan on is not acceptable in a ­­non-smoking home. Neither is the grungy residue left on the ceiling. What have we as people become? Gravenhurst has a severe shortage of rental housing currently. There is now one more rental unit that has retired from the rental market as of tonight. I am tired of being dumped on and walked over as a landlord. So I have decided to retire from this thankless job. I realize that not everyone who rents is like this, but I truly hope that if you are a renter, you see from my rant that there are many landlords take pride in their properties and are just tired of being dumped on again and again. Please treat your rental properties like they are your home and take pride in how you keep them. Make your landlords job rewarding instead of thankless. I apologize in advance if I have hurt anyone feelings, there was no malice in my statements, just giving everyone some food for thought. Thanks for listening fb friends. :)
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 03:22:12 +0000

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