Well said, in my humble opinion; a testimony of what its like - TopicsExpress


Well said, in my humble opinion; a testimony of what its like living with the rockets from a guy that lives in Southern Israel. Natasha I am an Israeli and I live in ashdod. I am a man of truth even if it hurts and I will tell you exactly how it is from here. Hamas got bored thinking they didnt do something for a while and started launching rockets at us, especially at Ashdod, we didnt do anything at first but then it was about 200 rockets a day, we got to a point that we absorb heavy damage doing nothing, we warned Hamas that if they wont stop we will take actions and they didnt. We warned all the people in Gaza that we will be attacking launch spots and Hamas operators so they could take shelters in their houses. Our air force bombed (proudly saying) about 100 Hamas operators and over 500 rocket launchers and basements. Hamas on the other hand told the Palestinians not to take cover, instead they hide at hospitals, schools and innocent houses. Its not a secret that Arabs hate us and think this country is theirs, they believe that if they bomb themselves to kill us (suicide bombers) they will get to heaven with 72 virgins. How could anybody believe this?? Even after a massive brainwash from birth, think - why would god want you to kill his creations?? We seek peace and quiet an if you dont believe a clean witness open our radio, we constantly tell Hamas and the Islamic Jihad to stop launching rockets and we will back off and continue with our lives peacefully, but they wont listen. Dozens of clearly faked photos and people still believe them. Still we provide electricity and water to ALL Gaza, considering the innocent people who got caught up in this madness, and Palestinians (seny by Hamas) say on tv that we dont provide them with electricity, when there are clearly lamps lighting up and machines working behind them. We are still staying i our houses while there are over 20 rockets hitting us per hour. If we really were attacking Gaza because we want to, dont you think Egypt, Iran, Syria and all arab countries around us would attack us too? Living through this is a nightmare but it warms our hearts seeing your support! ❤️
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 15:41:42 +0000

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