Well that was different... Im in New York this weekend with - TopicsExpress


Well that was different... Im in New York this weekend with Christopher Howard, supporting Chris as he delivers an amazing weekend of powerful transformation for several hundred keen New Yorkers. So Chris is on stage doing his thing, and Im at the enrolments table as we get ready. Mike, also at enrolments, offers me a Starburst which I take. For some reason I need to swallow it quickly, and the darned thing resists, getting stuck. Well and truly stuck. Not moving and Im-not-breathing level of stuck! My first thought is Hmm, how do I let Mike know I need the Heimlich manoeuvre whilst simultaneously nonchalantly strolling to the door so we can get outside and not disturb anyone? obviously that doesnt happen. You know those daft comedies where someone is choking and signals our hapless hero for help, only the hero cant figure out whats being asked and comic chaos ensues? Yeah, that happens in real life too, it transpires! So anyone, once it is established that Im not OK Mike gets down to the Heimlich, although of course by this time much of the audience has noticed something is up, and start coming over too - fortunately there are a few trained medical professionals including one HUGE guy who steps in and delivers the necessary force, for which I am extremely grateful. Pretty quickly the room goes back to normal, Chris gets the audience back into a good state and on with the show, and I am back to full strength. Things I realised from this, though - (1) The comedic attempts-to-signal-for-help-discreetly-which-nobody-can-understand really does happen in real life! (2) The Heimlich needs to be delivered a bit higher up on the torso than most people think (as a rather tender lower abdomen is currently reminding me); (3) Ive trained in First Aid, held appropriate certification and did the retests for about 15 years, and know how to do a Heimlich on oneself. Did Brain co-operate and bring any of this knowledge to mind at the right moment? Of course it didnt! Brain decided that was the perfect moment to remember in great detail exactly what the Starburst looked like after being unwrapped and prior to being eaten. Ive come to the conclusion that Brain hates me... (4) No life-flashing-before-my-eyes (perhaps being pre-watershed Brain decided it was no an appropriate screening), and no feeling of panic, just a detached calmness, which was interesting and welcome; (5) Sod attempts to be discreet, when you are choking you cant summon help and hide it at the same time; (6) In case there was ever any doubt, I truly am 100% British - the very first words out of my mouth as soon as the Starburst was successfully dislodged? Sorry about that....
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 04:54:49 +0000

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